𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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You were having a very good dream consisting of broomsticks and handsome Quidditch players when the whole world suddenly shakes and snaps you out of your sleep.

You squinted through the beam of sunlight hitting your face. "Ugh, Susan, no," you moaned tiredly at the sight of your friend while weakly slapping her face. "It's Saturday. Let me sleep in..."

"But you need to hear this!" She insisted, shaking you again. "It's about Harry Potter! He's in the hospital wing!"

You were out of your room in five minutes. Delilah and Fiona were waiting by the barrels when you and Susan exited.

Your vision was still hazy when Delilah shakes your shoulders with eagerness. "Did you hear? Potter's in the hospital wing!"

"I know, I know, Susan told me!" You said, slapping away her hands. "What happened?"

"Well, no one knows for sure," Fiona said as the four of you made your way to the hospital wing. "We heard a lot of stories over breakfast."

"Like Potter saving the whole school from certain doom," Susan adds, nearly running into another Hufflepuff at her haste. "He's unconscious right now, but a lot of people left him sweets. I saw the Weasley twins bring him a toilet seat."

"The Gryffindors said that Longbottom tried to stop Harry from going," said Delilah, "but Granger casted the full Body-Bind Curse on him. I think Ron Weasley went with them too, but I'm not sure."

You stop in the middle of the corridor, mind reeling from all sorts of information they were feeding you.

Harry in the hospital wing...Hermione and Ron went with him...Neville tried to stop them...Did it involve the Philosopher's Stone?

You see Hermione and Ron at the entrance of the hospital wing, trying to get past a stern-looking Madam Pomfrey.

"I said no visitors," she said, "you've already given him candy. And he's not even awake yet, for goodness' sake!"

She shuts the doors close for extra measure.

"We just wanted to see how he was doing," said Ron, looking quite irritated.

"Ron! 'Mione!"

They looked utterly surprised to see you. Hermione said your name, but was unable to say anything else when you suddenly grabbed them both in a hug.

"You went with him, didn't you?" You ask, tone laced with worry. "I told you not to do anything dangerous!"

"But everything's fine now!" Exclaims Ron, who was going red in the face from your tight embrace.

Hermione was hugging you back. "Harry had it way worst than we did."

You pull back, frowning. "Is he okay? What on earth did you three even do?"

"Let's leave them alone." Fiona ushers a disappointed Susan and Delilah away, wanting to give you three some privacy to catch up. You nodded at her when she said they'll see you back in the Great Hall.

Hermione and Ron told you the truth. They explained everything, starting from their discovery of the forbidden third floor to the puzzles they had to go through. They were absolutely delighted with your shocked reactions.

"Still, that was very stupid of you to do. Yes, even you, 'Mione," you said when you saw her incredulous expression. "If you three had died I would have learned necromancy just to bring you alive and kill you myself!"

Ron spreads his arms out to prove his next statement. "But we didn't! Look, we're alright!" He said exasperatedly. He hisses when you flick his forehead.

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