𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭

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The Great Hall was buzzing with excitement, everyone looking forward to a good Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

You were seated between Susan Bones and Fiona Porter, eating breakfast and listening to their discussion about the possibilities that would occur during the match.

Susan and Fiona were Pure-bloods and knew all about Quidditch by heart. You didn't know half of what they said, but from what you can understand, it can be a pretty brutal game with at least one player getting their jaw broken.

This doesn't smother your worry for Harry. You were anxious for him, seeing as this was his first match and he was the youngest, meaning that he'll get easily squashed by the bigger players.

From across the room, you can see Hermione and Ron wheedling Harry into eating something. Ron was waving around a toast before he reluctantly ate it himself when Harry refused.

"—One nasty hit from a Bludger and it's lights out for Potter," said Fiona calmly, as if merely talking about the weather.

"From what I've heard, the Weasley twins are great at being Beaters," Susan said while chopping her sausages. "It's the Slytherins they should watch out for."

You tilt your head. "Why?"

Susan's lips were pressed into a thin line as she glances at the Slytherin table. "They're dirty cheaters, that's why."

"Well, I'm sure not all of them are that bad," you retorted, sounding quite unsure yourself. You haven't met a handful of Slytherins yet to generalize them, but those who you did meet however...

You spot Malfoy sneering at Harry, but he wasn't the only one. A group of Slytherins were also glaring at Oliver Wood (who joined Hermione and Ron into trying to persuade Harry to eat something). They must be the Slytherin Quidditch team, based on their heavy built and the over all competitive aura surrounding them.

"I don't know about that one," said Fiona, looking between the two tables with interest. "If looks could kill, Gryffindor's team would be six feet under."

You forced yourself to swallow your remaining breakfast, uncomfortably hyperaware of the tension.

△⃒⃘ ⌁☍ ❾¾

You stop in the middle of the entrance hall as someone called your name. Turning around, you spot Oliver Wood walking towards you.

He gives you a warm smile before addressing your friends. "Can I talk to her for a second?" He asked.

Susan was struggling to even form a fraction of a sentence, obviously starstruck by the captain before her. She only stops stuttering when Fiona elbows her side.

"Of course," said Fiona pleasantly, "we'll just wake up Delilah before the match starts."

Oliver nods his thanks. She then proceeds to drag a flustered Susan to the Hufflepuff dormitories, leaving you and the captain behind.

You tilt your head at him. "What is it, Oliver?"

"Just wanted to say hello," he stated, smiling. "And making sure you're supporting Gryffindor in today's match."

You nod. "Of course!" You look down at your clothes before asking, "should I wear something with the color red?"

You weren't wearing anything remotely red today. Maybe you can slather some paint on your face to make up for it.

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