𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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Your prefect led you to the Hufflepuff dormitories, just located near the kitchens and behind a stack of barrels. You and the rest of the first-years gather around your prefect to see what he was doing.

He takes a moment to look at you lot with a smile. "Now, pay attention to what I'll be doing, first-years."

He taps one of the barrels to a certain rhythm, and its lid opens to a sort of dark and earthy passage behind it. You hear Susan gasp beside you while you peer around your prefect, trying to see what's beyond the passage.

"If you fail to tap the correct barrel, or to the proper rhythm, it will open a different barrel that will drench you with vinegar," your prefect informs.

Your nose scrunches up automatically. You definitely did not want to be drowned in vinegar. The only problem was that you already forgot the rhythm. Before you could beat yourself up for that, your prefect was already leading the way to the inside.

The passageway slopes upwards slightly, and at the end it reveals a cosy-looking, low-ceilinged, room. It was decorated with yellow and black while plants (both talking and dancing) hang from the ceiling and sat on windowsills. The honey-colored wood for the tables, chairs, and the round doors further in the back were sleek and polished. Just above the lit fireplace was a portrait of a woman, who your prefect later pointed out to be Hufflepuff's founder, Helga Hufflepuff.

The house was like a cozy burrow and it made you feel at ease as you were still trying to adjust to all of this. Your parents would have loved to see the Hufflepuff house for sure.

"The boys' dormitory is to the left door while the girls' are to the right," your prefect speaks up, gesturing to the round doors respectively. "You'll find that your baggages have already been moved to your rooms. I suggest you check them before doing further exploration of the house."

The first-years rush to their dormitories. You and Susan went along with the rest of the girls, excited to see what your rooms look like.

The four-poster beds were just as comfortable as the common room with its patchwork quilts you were already growing fond of. You flop on your bed as Susan giggles from your left. Her bed was conveniently located beside yours.

Your other two roommates were busying themselves: a girl with a long ponytail was brushing her hair while a girl with twin braids was doing cartwheels across the room. You'll introduce yourself when you get the chance to.

"The quilt smells like flowers," you said, sniffing your quilt again. Susan smells hers and nods in agreement.

"It already feels like home," she replies.

She began to move certain luggages, inspecting her uniform and checking on her pet. You do the same, except that your sleepy owl wanted to stay close to you by cuddling against your chest.

You were about to gently prod him off of you, but the adorable creature was already asleep. "Just five more minutes," you tell yourself. You didn't have the heart to move him just yet.

To Susan's amusement, you ended up dozing off as well.

△⃒⃘ ⌁☍ ❾¾

You woke up earlier than expected. The room was still dark and the curtains were yet to be drawn. Your owl was still sleeping against your chest, but this time you managed to place him on your bed without waking him up.

As much as you wanted to sleep in, this was your first day in Hogwarts. You wanted to be punctual, and so wasted no time as you did your daily routine, wore your uniform and fixed your hair to your liking.

You were about to wake Susan, but her peaceful expression made you hesitate for a moment. Should you or should you not wake her up? She didn't exactly tell you that she wanted to be woken up, so you figured you'll just go on without her.

The common room was already bustling with older students, some of them saying hello as you walk past. One of them even asked if you had everything set for the day, to which you just nodded. You weren't used to a whole lot of people greeting you or asking you if you were well-prepared for your classes.

Are Hufflepuffs all nice or is just because you were a first-year?

You went down the sloping passageway and the barrel opens itself, allowing you to exit. As soon as you were out, the barrel closes the passageway once again.

Now, the only problem you'll have at the end of the day is to what rhythm should you tap the barrel to make it open up later on. You should have asked one of the older students to teach you. But you'll burn that bridge when you get there. Right now, you were starving.

You went out into the corridors, seeing broad strips of daylight already filtering inside the castle. A group of Gryffindor students were in the hallway and so, not entirely having memorized the floor plan of Hogwarts, you follow them in hopes of somehow ending up in the Great Hall.

"(Y/n)!" A familiar voice calls out. You turn around to see Hermione walking towards you. You beam, glad to see your friend first thing in the morning.

"Good morning," you greet, "did you sleep well?"

Hermione smiles. "Good morning. And yes, I did. Are you going to get breakfast?"

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world." You and Hermione began walking side by side. "How's Gryffindor?"

"It's alright. Although, I wished you were sorted in the same house as me."

"Really? I didn't know you cared about me that much," you tease. Hearing her say that made butterflies erupt in your stomach. Or maybe that was just starvation getting to you.

"Of course I care," Hermione replies, sounding almost incredulous. "You're my first friend. Unless you don't think of it that way?" She asked slowly, suddenly aware.

You immediately reassure her. "You're my first friend, too," you grin. Hermione lets out a puff of air, relieved that she hadn't assumed anything.

"Good," she nodded, smiling. "How about Hufflepuff? Did you get along with them?"

Before you can say anything, three familiar-looking Gryffindor boys dash past you. The one at the very end was none other than Neville.

"Morning, Neville!" You greeted loudly. The boy was startled, his eyes looking around frantically before they land on you. He relaxes, and gave you a little wave while saying 'morning' back.

You were suddenly aware of how his companions stopped with him and were now looking at you. It was Seamus and Dean. You wave to them as well. It took a bit of courage to do so, but you always made it your personal policy to be nice to your acquaintances.

Dean waved back enthusiastically, even saying 'good morning' to you. Seamus just turns around and walks away when you look at him. You weren't certain, but you thought you saw his cheeks turn red. Dean bursts out laughing and runs after him with a confused Neville following them.

Your smile falters. Did you do something to upset him?

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