chapter 1

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I've Never Felt So Alone By Labrinth

Wesley's POV

The day was young and the sun was just starting to rise as the Hughes house was familiarly busy, it was the day my best friend, Jack would be leaving for Plymouth, Michigan to start training and playing at the United State Hockey National Development Program. I couldn't wait to see him succeed but the ball of pain had arisen throughout the week, he would be leaving me.

"Jack!" Ellen, Jack's mom yelled from the living room. Jack and I had been packing for his big move to Plymouth. I laid down next to Jack as his arms wrapped around the backside of my waist. Comfort. It had never been weird that Jack and I would be some sort of affectionate towards each other but there was never something there. We would always be J and W against the world!

"Please don't leave me, Jack..." I whispered in his ear, a tear falling onto his shoulder as we were face to face now.

"I love you W! Come see me soon. I'll miss you."

I grabbed his hand, sliding my bracelet onto his wrist and squeezing his hand tightly. Now those small tears have turned into large heavy ones, ones I had to let fall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed them around my hips.

"I love you too J!"

"Stay here tonight, my mom is okay with it, and here is my hoodie. It can be your reminder of me." He said calmly exiting from our embrace handing me his favorite USA sweatshirt. He headed for the door, slightly turning his body to the left as he left so he could see me for one last time.


I couldn't eat, talk, sleep. All I could do is cry. It had been almost 11 hours since Jack had left and I had stayed in his room since. I now had his hoodie on, his cologne lingering in my nose. It was a comforting smell. I finally had dragged myself into his bed, my face was puffy and pain rushed through my eyes every time I had tried to blink. I took one more look around his room before I turned the lights off and then the darkness consumed me.



I didn't recognize that voice, the voice was not Jack's nor Luke's. I opened my eyes slightly, only enough to see a tall male figure standing over Jack's dresser. I knew it wasn't Luke because he was much more slender than this man.

"Excuse me?" I said as I turned on the nightside lamp and got out of the bed. I met eyes with a man who was so familiar yet so unfamiliar. A man about Jack's size, dark brown hair, lightly brown confused eyes, some facial hair, and shirtless with only grey sweatpants on.

"You must be Jack's girlfriend, I guess he forgot to mention that to me." This voice now confirmed my instinct about who this mysterious man was...

"Quinn it's me."

Quinn's POV

"Quinn it's me"

I had to take a double-take. She had grown up so much since the last time I had actually seen her. Her hair was so much longer, her braces were off, she was taller. She looked so different but different wasn't bad.

"Wesley?" I said back confused.

"Hi." She said, now going back underneath the covers, Jack's favorite sweatshirt drowning her body. She put her hair up and we exchanged good nights and she turned off the lamp as I was walking out the door.

"Holy shit!"

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