chapter 4

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Wesley's POV

It has been two days since Quinn and I kissed. He left the morning after which made me sad, a longing for him that I had never had before. He was always at some training camp in Illinois for a week meaning he would be home in five days. I never told anyone not even Jack about of encounter, the first secret I had ever kept from him. I had gone back to my house, only four doors down from the Hughes family's home but Luke and I still hung out every day. I got a couple of texts from Jack but never a call or FaceTime which was unusual for him but Luke reminded me that phone time wasn't built into the rigorous schedule. 

"Incoming FaceTime from J" My phone rang. I looked like shit but Jack never cared so I picked up the phone to be met by a bunch of guys staring right at me. My eyes went wide and so did theirs. 

"Hello?" I said questioning why a bunch of teenage guys was calling me from Jack's phone. 

"Guy seriously! Give me my damn phone!" I heard Jack say from behind them as I saw him squeeze between all of them grabbing his phone.

"Hey W! What's going on? Is Lukey being good? Quinn?" He asked. The boys are still in view staring at me. 

"I have been okay, I miss you so much, Jack! Luke has been good, I've been helping him out with homework, and thanks for telling me Quinn was in town. I never knew and the night you left, I slept over in your bed and was awoken by a shirtless Quinn Hughes. So thank you for that!" I laughed.


"So who are the boys that are eavesdropping on our conversation?" He turned his phone towards the left side. 

"Hi, I'm Cole!" A small brunette-headed guy said. 

"I am Matt but everyone calls me Boldy." 

"Hi, it's Alex!" A guy with a US beanie screamed making me laugh my ass off as he looked embarrassed. Jack turned his phone to the right now. Leaving me to see one other guy, who happened to be the hot guy I had seen a year ago. 

"You must be Trevor!" I said with a huge smile on my face. 

"How di-"

"She saw you at the rink last year and gushes to Luke about how "you were the hottest guy she had ever laid her eyes on" ick!" Jack explained to Trevor, leaving me dumbfounded as to how he found out. 

"How the hell..... Luke, that little shit!" I narrowed my eyes, irritation filled my body. I was cut off from my revenge plot planning out in my head for Luke.

"How are my parents?"

"Your mom was a wreck for a bit but your dad helped her get her shit together right away." He laughed and nodded. A small conversation later and it was announced by one of the boys that the coaches needed them to go to a conference room for a meeting. We all exchanged our goodbyes and hung up. I got ready for the day, deciding I needed to wear something other than Jack's oversized clothes. I picked out a Montreal Canadiens sweater, leggings, long Nike socks, and black hightop converse. Putting my hair into two dutch braids and grabbing my phone to head over to the Hughes house, opening the front door since I had my key and I was met with the smell of pancakes. 

"Hey Wes, I made your favorite pancakes for us," Luke said peaking his head around the corner to welcome me. Luke was always secretly good at cooking. When the boys and his parents were away, I would never be the one who cooked even though I knew how. Luke was better. 

"Nice sweater, you trader!" Luke said narrowing his eyes at my attire. 

"Hey, guess what I found out today... YOU TOLD JACK ABOUT MY LITTLE TREVOR CRUSH!" I yelled trying to change the subject. His eyes nearly popped out of the sockets as he began to run out of the kitchen, I was right on his tail. He jumped over the couch and was met with me tackling him to the ground smacking him with a pillow.

"I told you not to tell him, you dickhead." I said smacking him harder as I laughed. I put myself right next to him, now both of us were laughing. We laid there for a couple of minutes until the fire alarms started going off and we both bolted towards the kitchen stove.

"Shit!" He said as he put out the small fire that had formed on our chocolate chip pancakes. We decided after that whole ordeal that we go to Tim Horton's. We got into my car which I did drive over to the Hughes house because it was so cold and we went on our way. 

"What do you want?" I asked looking over to see Luke answering snaps as I was second in line to order.

"Can you get me a frozen hot chocolate, two maple donuts, and a breakfast wrap please?" 

"Damn boy, why don't you just order everything on the menu!" I laughed. Once I got up to the speaker I order the food. Luke tapped my shoulder to show me Quinn's Snapchat that he sent Luke. It was Quinn all sweaty, the text said "Dear God help me, this is worse than NTDP training!"  All I could feel at that moment was anxiety, I couldn't hold my secret in. 

"QUINN AND I MADE OUT!" I yelled. Luke snapped his head in my direction, his mouth dropped, and squealed like a little girl. I look at him confused as I drove up to the window to pay and grab the food, the women looking at Luke weird as he still was squealing. 

"OH MY GOD, IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!" He screamed as I pulled into a parking spot. 

"What are you talking about Luke?" I asked, handing him his many items of food. 

"I've always wanted you guys to become an item and now it is finally happening. Was it good? What did you feel? Are you guys dating? In love? Oh my god in nine months we are going to have baby Wesley's or Quinn's running around the house! I will be the best uncle ever! Can I be godfather? PLEASE!" Luke rambles. 

"Jesus Luke, catch your breath. It was just a kiss. I have never in the past seen him in that way. Now. I don't know, maybe." I said. Luke then squealed again. 

"I SHIP IT! WESLINN!!!!!" He screamed.

"Oh my god." 

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