chapter 12

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Wesley's POV

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Wesley's POV

I could feel a shift in the bed and arms holding me tightly. I opened my eye only to see a sliver of light. I was met by the sight of Jack sitting in the chair looking at Quinn and I. I closed my eye again not wanting to deal with Jack's bullshit this morning. I felt someone's hand brush my hair out of my face and lips kissing me on the head.

"I just didn't expect this to happen," Jack whispered into my ear. He started to walk away but I slightly moved my fingers up to his hand, grabbing it lightly. I opened my eyes and gave Jack a small smile and he gave me one as well.

"I love you J" I mouthed. He didn't say anything but a reassuring look came from his face. His body was now out of sight. I turned my body towards Quinn's and put my hand on his chest. My brain was full of thoughts and memories of yesterday. The memories of saying 'I love you and making love to the man I love the most in this world. His hand made its way down to my waist and rubbed my hip.

"Good morning Quinn," I said, his eyes opened, a smile plastered on his lips.

"Morning babe." He said kissing me on the lips.

"Ew don't kiss me. I have morning breath." I squealed. He chuckled, letting me get out of his grip. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. The pain was still there which made me concerned. I sat down on the toilet to be surprised with blood. My anxiety started to rise and I began to shed tears. I felt so confused and a little ashamed because of this happening to me.

"Wes are you okay?" Quinn said knocking on the door to the bathroom.

I was able to let out a small squeak of an 'okay' but I knew and he knew I wasn't okay. The knob started to turn, tears became puddles falling from my eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay. What's wrong?" He asked kneeling down beside me. I shook my head not wanting to respond. He looked confused and walked out the door and closed it making me really sad. A couple of minutes had passed when I heard a knock at the door.

"W can I come in?" Jack's voice rang outside the door.

"Yeah," I responded. Jack entered the bathroom, looking at me with concern. I had never really talked about anything like this before with him. He would always tell me about his experiences but I had never had anything to share so I stayed quiet.

"Please tell me what's wrong. Quinn is really concerned. I am really concerned." His hands rubbed my knee. I felt comfortable being around him in a vulnerable state. It's not like he has ever seen a female body let alone mine. We had grown up together so at some point it was a given.


"I'm here for you." He said with an empathetic looking in his eyes.

"Everything hurts and I am bleeding," I whispered as I turned my head towards his. His eyes widened with concern.

"I have never dealt with something like this. I'll be back." He said, getting up and yet again someone leaving me as I was still there.

Jack's POV

"Everything hurts and I am bleeding," he whispered as she turned my head towards me. My eyes widened with concern.

"I have never dealt with something like this. I'll be back." I said, I got up only thinking of two things to do. I went out to their room. I saw Quinn sitting on the bed with his head in his head. I walked up and grabbed him and pulled him up.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked.

"I didn't do anything. Did I hurt her?" He asked trying to get off my grip. I rolled my eyes and let him down, walking out of the room. I headed towards the room where all the guys were hanging out. I opened the door to see all of them playing video games from the bed. I stepped in front of the screen making most of them grumble. Trevor even threw the controller at me making me pick it up and throw it back at him.

"I need help!" I said. All the guys looked at me.

"I need help with Wesley. I don't know how to put it other than-"

"It was too much for her to handle... now it messed her up physically right!" Trevor said, I nodded my head at him.

"Aaaaah," All the boys said in unison looking at one another.

"So... what do I do?"

"I'll show you what to do," Trevor said laughing. He was a pro at this stuff because he had the most experience than any of us. The guys got up and told me that we were going to the store. Cole and Trevor grabbed their keys and ushered us out of the room. Trevor said that we would be going to Target to get the necessities. We drove only a couple of minutes until we arrived at the store. It was an unusual sight to see as a bunch of teenage boys walked and looked through all the verses of different pads and tampons that were available.

"Get these..." Alex said throwing me a box of pads and pain relief medicine for me to put in the cart. "My sister uses them I think." He said laughing.

"Now to the good stuff!" We were directed toward the food aisles. We got her chicken noodle soup, her favorite flavor of Gatorade which is fruit punch flavored, and a bunch of chocolate. The lady checking us out laughed at the assortment of merchandise.

"Let me guess... a sister?" She said bagging the items.

"Sort of," I replied. The drive back to the hotel felt like it took forever. I felt so incredibly bad for her and I felt sad that I went off on Quinn for something he didn't mean to do. We went back into the room to be met with the sight of Wesley laying on the bed with Luke.

"Hey," Luke said as Wesley turned around from her stomach to see us. The guy waved and brought her the bags.

"Thanks, guys... I really appreciated it." She said looking in the bags and up at us sheepishly.

"We are always to the rescue for you Wes!" Cole said.

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