chapter 19

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**** Trigger Warning****

Wesley POV

"Please just leave me the fuck alone, please." I plead with Luke and Trevor who were still standing in front of my partially naked body. "Please," I begged as I started to cry. I saw them leave the bathroom but only partially closing the door. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I knew that I looked like a train wreck. A small knock on the door brought me back to focus. An arm extended from the other side of the door with a shirt and shorts. I grabbed them and slide them on my still damp body. I was starting to feel the pain as the adrenaline started to wear off. Blood was everywhere. I stepped carefully out of the bathroom, hoping I would not step on the shards of glass that were laying on the floor. I didn't even acknowledge Luke or Trevor. I laid my body on remaining silent. After a couple of minutes of nothing, I heard both guys get up and exit the hotel room. My chest started to tighten up yet again as I choked out a sob. 

"Hey" I heard, my eyes still shut as if I opened them, tears would spill out of them. His hand came up to my forearm rubbing it soothingly. "You don't have to talk about it but please open your eyes for me." I did as he directed me to. The light stung my eyes causing me to squint. I was met with a soft smile from Cole. He was crouched down on his knees so when I would turn my head over, my eyes met his. The tears ran down my face and hit the bedspread below me. His thumb makingmade its way up to the corner of my eye, whipping away the tears. 

"I am suffocating Cole, I can not do this anymore. There is so much that people do not know about and it's eating me alive." I whispered as I looked into his eyes and then back down to my hands which were now starting to dry from the blood. They hurt but so did I. 

"Let's get you cleaned up." He stated as he helped me up the bed my head hanging low as I followed him into the disheveled bathroom. He grabbed a towel dabbing it on my bloody knuckles. The white towel is now stained red. The physical pain was not nearly as bad as the mental pain. Once the blood was whipped off, he wrapped my hand with what I presumed was hockey wrap and some gauze. I avoid eye contact as much as possible, not wanting him to see me at one of my weakest moments. My body was so drained from fighting with Jack and having bottled up all my emotions and secrets for years. "Can you get me some Advil from my bag? They are in the front pocket of my bag." I asked Cole. He got up from the edge of the bed I was laying on and walked over to the bag and unzipped the pocket. That's when I realized I fucked up. 

"Wesley, what are these!?" He asked as he held a small bag of white pills up in the air. I became pale and looked at him in horror. "What the hell are these?" He repeated. 

"I am so sorry Cole, please don't tell anyone." I cried as he looked at me with sadness written all over his face. 

"Why?" He asked. "Why do you need these, and what are they?" I have never brought down these walls before. He was going to know everything, my whole secret world because it would only make sense, it would give me the clarity and processing I needed. I was going to tell him, knowing that he may tell Jack, Luke, and or Quinn. 

"They are pills, pills that make everything go away for me. Pills that make all the horrible memories and flashbacks go away. He was a family member, he did things you would not believe. It started with tickling and then progressed from there. I thought that it was what love is. I was a naive little child that knew nothing else but that. I have attempted multiple times but failed them all. I never did it because I hated my life with Jack but the secret life I had at home. When Jack was away on a hockey trip a coup ofle of years ago, I went to a party and I knew from the start that it wasn't a good idea but I went anyway. I didn't want to feel lonely. I have been smoking for years and also have been drinking for more than that. But at this party, that's when I first tried Molly. I loved it up until he was on top of me and I couldn't say no. He taunted me until it was finished. He left me alone, lonelier than I was before. I couldn't stand being a victim in anyone's eyes so I kept everything a secret. Big secrets like these don't just go away, they follow you in your mind constantly, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second of the day it is all on my mind. They help me escape reality.     I put on a facade that I am happy and I have my life together but in reality, I have nothing other than the guys, absolutely nothing. I was on hardcore medication to help with my issues but stopped taking them a couple of weeks ago, I thought I was better, I was falling in love with Quinn, Jack and Luke were having a great time and all of them were doing so well which made me so happy, I thought I was fine. The pills you found aren't prescribed by any means, they help me more than what a doctor could give me. That's why I take them." I vented as I cried, trying to not make eye contact with Cole. I had finally opened up to someone but knowing that I had to explain this again to them made me want to die. 

You're not alone! Please seek help if needed.

Information about domestic abuse hotlines:

Call: 1-800-799-safe (7233)

or TTY 1-800-787-3244

Text: "START" to 88788

Information about sexual assault hotlines:

Call: 800-656-HOPE

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The National Suicide Prevention Hotline:


If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself please reach out to a trusted friend, family, or crisis line. My messages are also always open.

You are loved. You are worthy. You are not alone!

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