chapter 33

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Wesley's POV

Big school, big building, big classroom sizes, everything was so big at this University. To say that UMich would be hard to navigate was an understatement, but Quinn assured me that it does get easier after a while. At 17 and being in college was a huge shock to my classmates but they didn't know who I was and I was happy to finally has somewhat of private life. Quinn and I's relationship started getting some attention in the last month or so. Pictures were now circling Instagram and TikToks everywhere, the hate from other girls was awful but some were super sweet. I never took them to heart though because they were just mad that I was in a healthy relationship with my boyfriend. It felt good to be on my own for once, I made friends, girls even which is a big surprise to me as I have never really had girl friends. It has only ever been Jack and Luke, with occasionally one of their friends too. I was able to have a fresh start which was you know refreshing. I got calls from Quinn every night unless he had a game, if he did he always made sure I was good and that I never would forget that he loved me. It was easier than I thought to balance school with social life. I was getting ready for the biggest hockey team party that was happening tonight. I never realized that themed parties were still a thing, I kind of thought that themes were for high school Friday night football games. But I bit my tongue and slipped into a small yellow skin-tight dress with my black platform boots as my hair was already in two braids. I turned to my mirror, examining my costume and how my body looked, to say I gained a bit of weight was an understatement, I was depressed that I couldn't go home every day to Quinn in bed or hanging out with the boys. I felt fat and ashamed that I had let myself go again. I swallowed my pride and drove to the house, parking it close enough so I could hear the music but not close enough that an idiot drunk driver wasn't going to hit me when I stepped my foot outside the car door. 

"Hey Johnny," I said as I walked through the white framed door of the hockey house. "Hey Wes, hey have you talked to Jack lately, I've been seeing pics of you and Quinny everywhere lately." He stated as he swung his arms around a short blonde girl. She gave me a sweet hand wave as they moved along to the next thing. The house reeked of weed and sweaty bodies. This was a bad idea for my sobriety but there was no stopping me now. One of the boys gave me a red solo cup with the contents smelling glorious, jungle juice. Like I said, bad for my sobriety but I still wasn't in uncontrol enough with the idea of alcohol and drugs, so what did I do. I took a sip, but once I took one sip, I couldn't go back. By the end of the first hour, I had more alcohol in my system and I would not be able to walk in a straight line or formulate a sentence. I couldn't stop laughing making every guy look at me, knowing that they were friends with Quinn and Jack put me at ease knowing that they wouldn't do anything or let anyone mess with me. "Can you call my baby for me?" I said to Blankenburg, throwing him my phone as I slid off the couch. He nodded his head as he looked at me in concern but to me, I felt like I was on cloud nine. "Hey bab-, oh Nick what's up, why are you on my girlfriend's phone, what the fuck!" He yelled into the phone, that's when Nick flipped the camera around showing Quinn my almost passed-out body now on the floor. "Hey baby," I dragged out, he shook his head as he looked at me. "Please get her home safe, please." He said in annoyance, I couldn't help but let a tear slip out of my left eye as I heard the tone he was using. He was pissed, pissed at me and my decisions. It was a bad idea to come and now I couldn't get home. I was once laying on the ground to now being carried by three large hockey players out to a truck and was put into the back bed of it, two other guys that I didn't recognize jumping in the back with me. As the drive home was short, it gave me a lot of time to think. I didn't know why I decided to drink nor did I really want to jeopardize the progress I had been making with keeping clean from everything. The wind in my hair blew it like I was a dog with its head out the car door window. I sobered up a bit before one of them walked me to the entrance of the dorm doors, boys weren't supposed to come up to the room at this point and if I was going to follow the rules for the rest of the night, I was going to. I didn't want to be caught and for them to be able to smell the alcohol on my breath. I fell over a few times as I proceeded to try to get the key in the lock to open my door, when I was met with a large chest in front of me, someone was standing on the inside door frame of my room. I knew who it was right away as the cologne was holding on for dear life to keep his smell around me. "Hey," I drug out. I looked into his disappointed eyes as he grabbed my arm and pull me onto my bed, sitting me down before putting my hair up, taking my jewelry out, and using a cotton round to help me get my makeup off. He was always so gentle with me even when he was upset and that was one of the biggest things I love about him. His body was facing the mirror, looking into the sink as I slowly took my dress off seductively, my motions making him look up into the mirror to see me in my underwear and bra. My hands ran up his back as he shivered from my touch. "Stop," He said harshly before turning around and grabbing my hands together. "Please stop Wesley, I'm sorry but we can't, not when you are like this." He said kissing my head. I craved him, I needed him. Why can't he see that! "Come on, I am not that drunk I promise," I whispered into his ear as I bit his earlobe softly making him moan. My lips ran from his ear to his chin and down to his chest, his hands releasing my hands. His lips smashed into mine but he broke it as my hands came down to his pants button. "My love, I promise we can do this, I am fine," I said looking up into his eyes with tears in mine. "My love, I love you and I promise soon just not tonight," He said as he gave me one last kiss, taking off my underwear and bra, slipping one of his larger canucks t-shirts that he had brought along. I watched him get into my bed, the best thing about this room is that I have my own privacy without having a roommate. I brushed my teeth and got into bed, looking right into his eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even gone. This has fucked things up again, hasn't it?" I whispered, he slowly nodded his head, "It's okay though, go to bed Wes. I love you so much, I'll be here in the morning if you wake up early enough." He said giving me one last kiss on the lips.  "I love you too Quinn." As I turned over and turned out the lights, leaving me and him and the moonlight that trickled into my room when the blinds weren't correctly closed. 

Hey! I feel horrible about not updating last week. I have been fighting tonsilitis and mono so I have been sick lately. I am falling more and more in love with this book by the second!!!



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