Chapter 11

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Nick's POV

I was standing beside Troy along with Zack on her other side. We heard a snap and another. They were the sounds of Troy's bones breaking. The pain was too much and she was on her knees now. Seeing her in so much pain I looked at Dad for help. He shouted "Concentrate on Nick! Just concentrate on Nick Troy!" And then pain shooted through me, it was similar to my first shift. I was confused as to what was happening. I looked at Troy and could see that the pain had eased. She was now on all fours with her brown fur moving with the light breeze. The pain I felt had ceased. 

Zack went close to her to pet her. She was hesistant at first but then lowered her head. A new wave of pain hit me. It took me all my strength to keep standing. Troy took a step forward and her brown fur had turned silver. Her eye turned silver and she seemed to be having a conversation with her wolf. Then she suddenly took off into the forest for a run. Zack and I both shifted with our clothes ripping in mid-air and we took off behind her. She stopped suddenly and we were coming to a stop as well. 'Skye just told her about her heightened senses, she is testing it out.' Nikolas my wolf tells me. When we finally came to a stop she turned towards home and started running again. We followed her in order to make sure she was safe and didnt tire out after the shift. When we reached she went straight to mom and she told her how to change back.

Mom turned around and Zack and I shifted back. Dad passed us a pair of shorts each and when we went inside i put on a shirt. We all were seated in the living room and Troy came back fully dressed and sat beside me. Zack and Luke moved to the dining room and Mom and Dad gave us the werewolf 101. After finishing the lecture mom sent Troy to go and talk to Zack and Luke came where we were. 

"Nick just go and get dressed for bed, we'll come and talk to you later after we are done with Luke." 

I went up to my room, the attic, and got changed. And then went down to Troy's room. She lying on her bed right now, staring up at the ceiling. "How are you doing?" I asked her. "Fine I guess. Dont have much to compare to now do I?" she joked. " As compared to me you are doing better, but you had an advantage." I tell her. "What advantage?" she question with confusion written all over her face. "You tranferred your pain to me. When dad told you to concentrate on me, you transferred you pain to me. I dont know how that happened but I wonder what else could we do with our twin bond?" I tell her and look at her indicating her to comment on what I just said. "Wow!" I heard her voice but didnt see her move her mouth."How did you do that?" I asked her in complete shock."Do what?" "You said wow, I heard it but you never moved your mouth." "Like this?" I heard her voice again but she didnt move her mouth. I just nodded in reply. "Well I just thought about you and then said what I said" she lets me in on the secret. " You try" she encouraged me. I thought about Troy in my head and then said Troy is a stinking sack of pooI got smacked. "Guess you heard that then." I say mischievously.

"Nick! We are done. You can come down now." I heard dad shout from downstairs.Good night little sister.  I said through the twin link and give her a kiss on her forehead and headed downstairs. Dont call me little sister again.  She shouted through the twin link when I was downstairs. As you wish little sister. I tease. AAAARRGHGHH. She screams through the twin link and I laughed at her misery. 

"I know you are weird but why were you laughing by yourself?" Luke gave me a quizzical look. I just shook my head in response not wanting to explain the twin link now. Troy I am trying something with the link just let me know if it works. I say through the twin link. Got it big brother. She replies, emphasising on big brother. I thought about her and then went to talk with mom and dad.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask them coolly and take a seat on the couch. I guess its working. I can see mom and dad through your eyes. I her Troy's Voice in my head. Shhh... I tell her bringing back my attention to mom and dad. "We wanted to talk about the colour of your wolf and Troy's." Mom tells me. " I'd like to tell this to the both of you together but I know she is too tired to be here now." dad tells me. I am not tired and I can hear everything. Troy rants to me. "She is awake and can hear you right now, so you wouldnt have to repeat it to her." I tell them. "How can she hear us? We got all the rooms made sound proof for the sake of privacy, we know wolf hearing is really good. " Mom asks me. "We figured out something with the twin bond. Surprise!" I told them. "That's a good thing that both of you are working on the twin bond." Dad tells us. "Now listen both of you. We are not sure why your wolves changed colours.." "Wait both of us changed?" I asked unsure. I only saw Troy's wolf change from brown to silver."Yes you both changed. You changed from your ash brown colour to a shiny grey. We do not know why it happened but we do know one thing or sure and that is it was because of your twin bond. Now this part is really important. You cannot let anyone know you are twins or anyting about the twin bond. There might be some people who would be after your powers for their benefit. Take care of your secrets and trust each other because you both need one another." Dad tells us.  OK daddy! "Got it dad and Troy says OK." I tell them. "Thats good to hear now go to bed, both of you and no more mind talking. Alright?" Mom instructs us. I just nod and bid them my good nights and head upstairs. A real good night this time little sister, your shift has worn me out.  I tell Troy while setting up my bed. Good night big brother and *yawn* thanks. 



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