Chapter 4

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Nick's POV

I woke up to the smell of some delicious scrambled eggs. "WAKE UP NICK!" "Give me 5minutes!" Troy's parents were very cool with me staying over. In fact they had turned their attic into a room for me. I had most of my things here as I would stay here more often than my own house since my parents were always out on business. But since they passed away I made this place my home. I seldom went to my own house just to pay a visit to my brother, Luke.

"5 MINUTES ARE UP NICK. WAKE UP!" "ALRIGHT" I brush my teeth and go down to have Troy's famous scramble eggs. 'What took you so long?' Troy questioned. 'And good morning to you too.' I replied. 'Whatever. I am done with breakfast, I am going up to change be ready by then.' She says as she walks towards the stairs. I simply nod in response.


'Today is Wednesday. Our night . What do you have planned? ' Troy asked me on our way to school.'Not much. But please don't make plans with anyone else or invite them over.' I simply say. 'Alright Nicky.' She chirped.

Troy's POV

We reached school just in time to not be late. I rushed to my locker which was across Nick's. I collected my books for the first few classes. 'Don't forget about tonight.' Nick reminded me. 'I won't' I reply . 'You won't what?' Zack interrupts. 'That I can't hangout with any animals like you tonight.'  I tell him. 'Hey!' he responds.


'Bye Nick. Bye Zack' 'Bye Troy 'Nick waves 'Bye Miss West' Zack winks. I just shake my head and head to class.

'psst...psssst!' 'What Av?' I whisper scream. 'What happened after we left?' she asked from my left. 'Nothing much. we just went out for dinner. That's it.'I tell her. 'What did you have have?' Max questions from behind me. 'Seriously Max? Always concerned bout food!' Dee yells fro my right. Still whispering I reply 'Indian' 'Yes! That's correct miss West. The Britishers used the Indians to fight the world war.' our history teacher, Mrs. Carve, tells us

while telling us about the European history.

The rest of the day just passes by till lunch. At lunch I meet up with Nick and the rest of the group. Since neither Nick or I have any classes after lunch we bid our goodbyes and leave early for our quality time.

'Where are we going Nick?' I ask whilst he was unlocking the door to my car. 'Let go the park first. I need to tell you somethings. ' he replied. 'Also can we take some hot dogs from the stand there. Please. I am starving ' and on cue my stomach growls. 'Alright little T' he says as he messes my hair.

The car ride was usual. With each of us sharing about our day and telling jokes and arguing on which channel to play. Finally we reached the park grabbed a couple of hot dogs and went in by the swings. The park was void of children right now as hey were still in school. Suffer suckers!

We sat on the swings and had a bite of out hot dogs. ' So what did you want to tell me?'

Zack's POV

'That I can't hangout with any animals like you tonight.'  Troy says. Animal. How could she know? There was no way she could know! 'Are you sure?' a voice in my head said. I must be actually losing it. 'Bye Nick. Bye Zack' 'Bye Troy' Nick waves 'Bye Miss West' I wink. She just shakes her head and goes to class. 'Hey Adams. Keep in mind of our little chat from yesterday.' Nick says. 'Sure will bro.' I reply and head to class.

I had Biology class now. Which was all the way to the other wing along with other science classes. On my way to class I get pulled into the janitors room. 'What the hell Mindy?' I  yell. Earlie in freshman year Mindy and I used to make out in the janitors room between classes. But now it was over .She just didn't seem to understand. 'Whose Mindy?' a rough voice asked. 'Who are you and why do I hear your voice in my head?' I ask. 'I will tell you when the time is right. For now you just need to know that you must stay away from the Wests.? the voice replies . 'why?' I scream . 'I will tell you when the time is right now just do as I say.' with that said the person left me in the darkness of the janitors room.

The Wests. Troy West. No I can't stay away from her even if I tried. If you can hear me still you should know I won't follow your orders until you give me answers. 'All right fine. Meet me at the forest behind the park after lunch' After the little encounter with the voice in my head I rush to class only to be greeted by no teacher. A free period . Great at least no detention. I smiled to my self. And went or the back of the class and took my seat by the window. I could see someone outside. Someone was watching us. Rather watching me. Those eyes notices me staring back at them and ran to the other side of the school. I rushed to the window to see where it went. It was here to watch Troy not me. I could sense it. The mouth below those eyes gave me a wicked smile and disappeared. I need to protect Troy . I could suddenly feel such emotions and anger towards that person who I thought was trying to harm Troy but the main question was why?

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