Chapter Two

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Third Person
[for a better experience]

It was causing him an immeasurable amount of pain now. Moments before, Calix was thrashing and moving about continuously before he realized that the stupid fucker who he was trying to sell drugs to stabbed him to get out of paying him for the drugs and he was fucking successful in doing so.

Had it not been for the damned officer, maybe he would've at least been successful in getting his drugs back but no, the weasel got away with both the money and the boys drugs.

"Can you —" the boy cuts off his sentence to grunt in pain as his movements die down just as Lev enters the building where Andy has been watching the whole thing go down as he remained in his seat.

Lev wanted to ask why Andy just sat there and watched, but it wasn't like he needed much help dealing with the situation, though it would've been nice if Andy had got up and helped catch the other boy. Lev wasn't complaining though because he wanted to do this by himself, the thrill was far better that way.

Lev remains clueless to the boy in pain as he walks over to his desk, meanwhile Andy has taken notice of the blood soaking the boys dirtied up shirt and has quirked his head to the side as he lays his right elbow on his desk and rests his cheek onto the palm of his hand.

"I didn't think you'd be back so soon, Morrison. Feels like a record this time." Andy quips, the boy glares at him through clenched teeth to bite back the pain and need to rip off Andy's head from the overwhelming disdain the boy has towards the ginger.

"Shut the fuck up, leprechaun." The boy manages to bite out.

Andy hums a little to a song in his head as Lev looks between Andy and the boy in confusion. They know each other? Lev had no idea that Andy knew this boy but it was clear to Lev that the boy must have previous criminal history, given both his demeanor and the way Andy addresses the boy by name — Lev assumes that Morrison is his name — this boy must be a troublemaker of some sort but Lev was used to boys like him.

Lev decides that it's probably best to talk to the boy first and foremost and ask about the boy's history later on. Lev was curious and interested since this is the first interesting thing that has happened since he's gotten there, excluding the butt dial fiasco last week of course — who could forget the infamous butt dial incident?

"Handcuffs, Andy. Can you get me handcuffs?" Lev asks the man who watches Lev and the boy like they're his favorite Netflix series.

Andy pats around his pockets until he feels the cool metal of his handcuffs hanging from the left side of his belt. He whips it out and walks over to where Lev stands with the boy and opens the cuffs to wrap them around the boys wrist.

At this point, the boy feels and vaguely sees what's going on but he's feeling lightheaded and the smart remark he so desperately wants to utter is at the back of his throat but his brain can't seem to register how to speak. It feels like the world is spinning at this point, and his blinking has slowed considerably.

"Are we going to get paper towels to stop his bleeding now or after we put him in the cell?" Andy asks Lev as the older man unwraps his arm around the young boys neck.

Lev's eyes widen. He immediately grips the young man's shoulders and spins him around so he can see the front of the boy. As Lev finally notices the bottom of his shirt soaked in blood, the boy loses his footing as his consciousness leaves him and he begins to fall backwards.

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