Chapter Three

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Third Person
[for a better experience]

Lev remained calm as he traveled over to the guest bedroom, slid the grey comforter off of the mattress, and laid the younger boy onto the soft cushions. Lev made sure to lay the boys head on the grey and white pillows littering the front of the light grey headboard. There was a modern, seamless theme of greys and whites going on throughout the modernized home with the exception of Lev's room that had a slightly different feel to it but was still well done and captured the entirety of the homes essence to perfection.

Truly, thanks to his mother.

After leaving the unconscious boy settled in bed and throwing the grey covers over his sleeping form, Lev takes fast and purposeful strides out of the room and down the hallway, through his living room, and eventually arrives at his kitchen. One door leads to his pantry that was stocked with foods that he loved to eat and ingredients for foods he enjoyed making; there was also a cute little cook book he purchased back in Port Colborne that resided on the top shelf displayed in an open fashion for everyone to see.

Each layer was nicely organized based on the type of food, seasoning, and category of food it was within the confined space. Despite Lev's appearance, he was a true cook and he loved cooking. It was the one thing that was truly a stress reliever for him, he always seemed to get lost in the calmness that occurred when his entire being got intertwined with the peace that came with being in the kitchen; his kitchen.

The other door lead to a closet for miscellaneous items that he needed to keep in storage, one of those things being a heavy duty emergency kit box that was filled with medical supplies. Being a cop, it was never a rare occurrence for Lev to get hurt on the job, especially considering what his previous position used to be, therefore; it was always important for Lev to have an emergency kit with him.

Sliding the heavy box off of the shelf, Lev makes his way back to the guest room where the small boy hasn't moved an inch. It doesn't take long for Lev to be sat by the younger boys side after sliding the grey comforter off his form. Lev gently lifts the boys shift off of his abdomen and up until Lev ultimately decides to just take the shirt off entirely, he'd need a new one anyway is what Lev thought.

Lev spent a brief moment looking at the boys pale upper body that lacked muscle and he realized how skinny the boy actually was. He wasn't quite sticks and bones but he was clearly underweight and that rubbed Lev the wrong way. Alongside his weight and the paleness of his skin, the boys dark brown hair was truly unruly as it was sprawled all over the older man's pillows and it looked like he hadn't washed it in a while just telling from the way it looked and the smell.

Truthfully, the boy didn't smell too good, it wasn't a rancid smell but it was enough to tickle Lev's nose and make him tempted enough to strip the boy and give him a good bath. The boys features were also something Lev couldn't help but take notice of. The kid was small and scrawny, yet his features held power. His jawline was sharp, his cheekbones have a defined structure to them and his nose was obviously carved by God himself, not to mention the boys lips.

Lev shakes his head. 'You're supposed to be patching the kid up, not getting lost in this pubescent boys looks, Lev,' Lev internally reprimanded himself.

Lev forces his eyes to travel away from the boys dirty but mesmerizing face to glance down at his abdomen that bared the nasty scar made from the kid who slashed him without the younger boy knowing. Lev takes out a cotton pad from the medical kit and pours alcohol on it gingerly with enough to coat the pad but without have too much excess.

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