Chapter Four

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Third Person
[for a better experience]

Mystery was not enough for him to bring a criminal he knew nothing about into his home. Mystery was not enough for Lev to take time off of work, albeit being slow at the station, to take care of a boys wounds as meticulously as he did. And mystery is not enough to have Lev wanting to look after the boy with such intensity that it hurt his head and made him feel like he was going insane.

Lev runs his hands through his hair. 'Watson Lake must really be affecting me,' were Lev's thoughts as he forces himself to focus on the events unfolding on the large rectangular screen before him. He wanted to drown the small boy out of his mind.


Approximately three and a half hours passed by, it was now around eight forty-six pm and that's when Calix began to shift in the soft comforts of the bed he laid on. Groggy but alert, the small boy almost immediately jerked up but regret filled his entire being as pain slashed through his abdomen, making his hands tremble slightly as he forced himself to remain upright.

He inhaled and tried to ignore the throbbing pain that shot through him as he began to look around, his forest green eyes trying to grasp and idea of where he was but it was dark which made it impossible for him to see anything. He was irritated both at the pain he was feeling, and the confusion that was building up within him.


The young boy forced himself to remember how he got here, how he got to this point. Calix begins to remember how he was having a drug transaction when that stupid fucker conned him and stabbed him with a fucking knife. A fucking knife. Of all the shit that happened to Calix, no one has ever pulled a knife on him, granted the boy was almost shot before and has been in countless other dangerous situations. He just never thought that a fucking weasel like that prick would have the guts to actually stab him!

Remembering that scene made Calix's blood boil, he wanted to see how that prick liked it if he stabbed his abdomen; better yet, how he'd like it if he ended his stupid ass life. Calix swore to himself that that coward was lucky that he didn't want to go to prison for years and years to come and that reason alone is the only reason why he wouldn't go after him to end his fucking life. But the reminder that he was stabbed with every small movement he made that shot pain through him made him want to do the same to the dick who stabbed him with every passing moment.

Forcing himself to continue thinking about what else happened, Calix narrows his eyes as his head makes up the image of the officers face that he encountered. Officer what's-his-face is the asshole who made it possible for that fucker to get away, Calix clenches his fist. If Calix could deck that motherfucker in the face, he would right about now. After the Officer apprehended Calix, he dragged the younger boy into the station and that's when the rest of Calix's memories seem to go blurry.

The small boy can only recall a few words being exchanged before the world seemed to get fuzzy and he lost all feeling and control of movement in his body. Then somehow, he ends up waking on this soft mattress in a dark room with a comfy shirt on his back that was super loose on him. Calix blinks as he touches the fabric of the shirt and brings the collar up to his nose to take a sniff.

It smelled nice, nice was an understatement though. He smelled like heaven if heaven smelled like expensive cologne with a hint of cigarettes. Calix didn't smoke but this smell was intoxicating to him, it almost reminded him of....fuck.

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