Chapter 17 - Answers

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"Kabir has accepted our offer for trade," Islo said and showed me the documents

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"Kabir has accepted our offer for trade," Islo said and showed me the documents.

"Alright, that means we'll be sending fish their way and they'll be sending us fruit."

"They promised chocolate as well, as a treat." Islo smirked a little. He loved chocolate.

"So, what else is on today's schedule?" Jura asked and flipped through his own binder. "Or was that it?"

"You have a hot date?" Saal asked and winked at Jura. His cheeks darkened and I had never seen him so flustered. "Or would you like a hot date? I'd like to try out that new Bursaaq restaurant that just opened up. Good thing I already called ahead and reserved a table for us. In an hour."

Islo and I shared a glance. "I guess that means this meeting has come to an end. Tell me if the food is any good. Maybe Islo and I could go there too sometime."

Saal and Jura rose immediately and hurried out of the council room, almost like a pair of unruly kids. I couldn't help but laugh a little. It was funny how Saal had just decided they were going on a date. Finally. Jura had for a long time been awkward around Saal, given her compliments through stutters. Seeing the otherwise so poised man go from being completely cool-headed to an almost stuttering fool had been interesting to observe. Everyone had just waited for this to happen.

"About time," Halla said and rose to her feet too. "If those two hadn't figured it out soon I would've reserved a table for them myself."

"Honestly I would've paid," Islo said. "Jura is even older than me. I thought he'd have more... Game."

"Age has nothing to do with it. Some people never find the right footing until they find the right person." Halla shrugged a little and picked up her binder.

"Have you found someone?" I asked and stood up too.

"I had someone. They died in the war." She clenched her jaw. "Islo. My king." She bowed her head at both of us and took her leave.

Islo sighed and rose too, grabbing his cane. I offered him my arm for additional support, and he smiled as he took it.

"Maybe we should find someone for Halla. Maybe it'd cheer her up a little," Islo said with a low voice as we entered the halls.

"To be completely honest, I think she's more than capable to find someone if she truly wanted someone. Besides, there's more to life than finding love."

"What else is there?" My husband chuckled and I couldn't hold back a snort.

"You have a one-track mind, my love."

"You love that one-track mind though."

"Gods save me, I do."


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