Ep 2

584 6 1

Pov Elliana
Today Piper,Jenna, and Jentzen are going to los Vegas and Lev,Emily,Ayden, and me are staying at Pipers house to take care of Frank i just pack my bags and hop in a tesla and arrive at Pipers house

Elliana:Hey guys

E&A:Hey Elliana

Elliana:Is Lev here

Emily:No his not here yet

Elliana:When will he come

Ayden:To be honest I don't know

Elliana:Okey- hopefully he comes today I miss him so much.what I'm I saying I have a boyfriend

Pov Lev
I just arrived at Pipers house and hopefully Elliana here's

Lev:Hi guys

E&A:Hey Lev

Lev:Is Elliana here?

Ayden:Yeah why

Lev:No reason

Elliana:Hey Lev

Lev:Hi bab.. I mean Elliana


1 hour later

Emily:Do you guys wanna come with us to get Starbucks

Elliana:Oh I would go but I'm filming a video and Lev is going to help me filming since Hunter is at los Vegas with the rest of the squad


Ayden:Okay we'll get your guys order

Emily:i know what to get you guys and I'm also getting food bye


22 minutes after filming

Elliana:Now I'm all wet because you threw me in the pool

Lev:Sorry go get changed

2 minutes after Elliana got changed

Emily:Hi guys we're back


Lev:Why you guys took to long

Ayden:We went to Walmart to get movies to watch

Elliana:Yay I love movies

Emily:We got scary,funny,anime,and romantic movies

Ayden:What do you guys wanna watch

Lev:scary movies

Elliana:No romantic movies

Emily:I agree with Elliana

Ayden:I'll watch anything so you guys can pick

E&E:Romantic movies

Lev:Scary movies

Ayden:Two votes for romantic movie and one vote for scary movie so it's going to be romantic movie



40 minutes later

Lev:Look Ayden and Emily fell asleep


To be continued.....

I don't care what people say all I know is that I love you (Lelliana)❤Where stories live. Discover now