Ep 4

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Lev:Don't scream that loud their sleeping

Elliana:Sorry it's just too scary

Lev:No it's not just watch the movie

Elliana:But I'm bored

Lev:Well not me

Elliana:FINE- She grabbed my phone and left running

Lev:HEY GIVE IT BACK- I ran after her


Lev:ELLIANA WALMSLEY GIVE IT BACK- I hugged her behind her back on her waist and she tried to run away and I grabbed my phone

Elliana:I didn't know you were so strong

Lev:Well thank you oh and I think we should sleep because It's 2am in the morning

Elliana:Yeah we should but there's one problem


Elliana:There's only three rooms and were 4

Lev:Emily sleeps in Tiffany's Room and Ayden sleeps in the guest room and we both sleep in Pipers room


5 minutes later

Pov Elliana
We were getting ready to sleep until my I put my arm on his chest

Elliana:I'm sorry

Lev:It's okay- I took my of him- You can put your arm on me


To be continued......

I don't care what people say all I know is that I love you (Lelliana)❤Where stories live. Discover now