Chapter 2

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POV Elliana
Today is the first day of school and I'm so nervous because I'm new here. Let's just hope that I find new friends. But anyway this is my uniform and hairstyle

 But anyway this is my uniform and hairstyle

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"ELLIANA, come down stairs to eat breakfast""Coming""Hurry up

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"ELLIANA, come down stairs to eat breakfast"
"Hurry up. You're going to be late for school"
"Okay Okay, geeze " I said annoyed

3 minutes later

"Bye mom, love you" I said

"Love you too" I blew her a kiss and left the house

I got to school and was trying to find my way to my class. I was so distracted that I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw that blonde boy, Lev

"I'm so sorry"

"No, it's alright" he said and then when I lift up my head he said "Wait, you're that girl from yesterday at the ice cream shop"

"Yep, that's me" I said "But one question do you know where's English class"

"Yeah and we have the same class together"

"Oh well great"

"Let's go"

We entered class and sat down in our seats and piper sat next to me. And like always Mrs. Conroy is going to introduce us to the new girl in class

"Good moring class. Today we have a new student with us. Please introduce yourself"

"Hello everyone. My name is Elliana, Elliana Walmsley. And I hope we can all be friends"

So her name is Elliana. Such a beautiful name

"You may go sit down anywhere"

She sat next to my best friend Jentzen

POV Elliana
I sat down next to a brunette boy

"Hey my name is Elliana" I don't know why I said that. That was so dumb of me

"I know you just said that" he giggled

It was now recess time and I was on the bench alone. And I noticed Lev and Jentzen were playing football with other boys and then Lev threw the ball and it came towards me and hit my head. And then Lev noticed and came running up to me

"I'm so sorry" he said and Piper walked up to Lev

"It's okay"

"Are you sure? I feel so bad"

And Piper said "She said she's okay"

"Lev hurry up. We're waiting for you" Jentzen said and Lev left

"Hey you" I looked up at Piper "You better stay away from MY boyfriend. Comprende.

"Yeah, geeze girl why you gotta be so crazy about it"

"HEY, watch how you talk to my friend. And just to make things clear my name is Emily, Emily Dobson. And we're the most popular girls in the this school"

"So you better watch your mouth or we'll make your life miserable. Got it?"

"Yeah" I said trying not to talk back and they walked away

"Hey, don't listen to them. They just like to threaten people" A girl said to me

"I just realized that, but I'm not scared of them"

"Now that's what I'm talking about. By the way my name is Jenna, Jenna Davis"

"Nice to meet you my name is Elliana, Elliana Walmsley" i said greeting her and shaking hands

"I bet we're going to be great best friends by your personality and actions" Jenna said smiling at me

"For sure" I said smiling back

To be continued...

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And also I'm trying my best to post every day

I don't care what people say all I know is that I love you (Lelliana)❤Where stories live. Discover now