Ep 8

432 6 1

Lev:Bye I have to go

Piper:OK bye love you

2 minutes

Pov Me
Lev calls Elliana to make sure everything is okay

Lev:Hi Elliana
Elliana:What's up
Lev:Nothing i just wanted to make sure that you're okay because I heard you crying
Elliana:Oh no everything's fine
Lev:Are you sure
Lev:Okay if you're fine can I go to you're house
Elliana:Yeah for sure
Lev:Be there in 5 minutes
Elliana:Okay bye
*call ended*

5 minutes later



Lev:What should we do

Elliana:Well my mom just made dinner do you wanna eat?

Lev:Yeah sure


20 minutes later

Lev:I'm full

Elliana:Yeah me too

Lev:Let's watch a movie


1 hour later

Elliana:I have to go buy groceries because my mom told me to

Lev:I'll go with you


At the grocery store

Pov Elliana
Hopefully Those boys aren't here today

???:Well well look who's here

???2:It's Elliana walmsley

Elliana:What now

Boy 1:Well I guess you've moved on so quick

Elliana:What do you mean

Boy 2:It looks like the dumb girl is a little dum dum today

Lev:Leave her alone

Boy 2:It looks like this your boyfriend

Elliana:What are you talking about


Boy 1:Take a look at this picture

Shows us the picture and I couldn't believe it it was Piper and Jentzen kissing

Lev:We don't care anymore because Elliana and I are now together

Boy 1:Prof

Lev kissed me and I felt butterflies in my stomach

To be continued.....

To be continued

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I don't care what people say all I know is that I love you (Lelliana)❤Where stories live. Discover now