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Hey guys, as some of you know I was working on chapter 3 on August but I was on a summer vacation which I really didn't had the time to continue writing and when I got back from vacation I was kinda of tired but I was also trying to come up with ideas on what to write. But then I started school so I really didn't have time to work on it because of school, but as time went on I started to lose interest in Lelliana and plus I'm starting to write a new book called "Love me or Kill me" if you want to check it out. But if you guys really want me to continue this story, you guys can help me by giving me some ideas because to be honest I really can't think of anything. And I also would not like to be like one of those who just leaves their story to ongoing (all though I did)
Thanks for listening :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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