Chapter 10- Unintended Isolation

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Approaching Earth at a speed faster than sound can make even the largest expanse of ocean an unfriendly target. The crew capsule of the Intrepid had no intended landing site any more than a blind person throwing a dart has the ability to hit a bull's eye. Still miles above the surface, the capsule deployed its parachutes at a much higher altitude than was reasonably necessary. This was caused by the landing sequence separation starting early because of Anatoly‟s actions.

Now with the chutes fully expanded, evenly ensconcing the pod from above, the violent prior events subsequently transformed into a much slower drifting of the vessel. This allowed for Svetlana and the others to regain composure and take actions to perpetuate a safe landing as the water slowly crept closer and closer.

When contact finally came with the ocean, it was relatively gentle. As soon as the team inside felt the capsule beginning to roll with the waves, they unbuckled and worked to ensure there was no imminent danger and attempted to assess where they had landed.

It regrettably did not take long for water to begin to pour in from the tear in the side of the pod.

Trying not to panic, Svetlana took charge, "We don't have much time, get the bag with the raft and let‟s get off this thing before it sinks to the bottom."

Eva opened the compartment containing the raft and folded up paddles.

Boris began working to unlatch the hatch. He spun the circular lock until it stopped, allowing him to shove the hatch open and allow the salty air outside to rush into the stale compartment of the capsule.

Eva handed him the inflatable raft and he shoved it out the hatch, pulling the inflation cord at the same time. The one-way valve on the raft quickly inhaled the air around it and the now buoyant raft floated beside the open hatch.

The three cosmonauts mustered supplies and one by one climbed on to the raft as the space capsule continued to sink, inch by inch into the ocean. Boris unfolded the two paddles so he could begin to row away from the capsule. Surveying their surroundings, Svetlana and Eva briefly made eye contact.

They both carried the weight of despair on their faces when neither saw anything but water as far as they looked in every direction.

Eva spoke to Boris, "No need to hurry with the paddles Boris, I do not know which way we should even begin to head. Let's get settled in and think about this for a minute." Boris answered, "Fine with me, oh crap!" which followed a splash as he misplaced one paddle forgetting to lock it into position causing it to fall overboard and quickly descend from view.

Svetlana was flabbergasted, "Boris, pay attention, what are we going to do now with only one paddle?"

Boris just shrugged his shoulders and stared at her, not knowing what to say. The sound of bubbling water caught their attention and caused all three to forget about the loss of the paddle for a moment. As each turned toward the bubbling noise, they could see the small remaining point of their capsule submerge out of sight as it was subdued by the waves and slowly disappeared, now leaving them entirely alone on a bright yellow raft floating with any expectation of survival swiftly fading.

Svetlana quickly realized the situation she was in with her brother was considerably less than ideal. She chuckled to herself lightly, it was the type of quiet laugh, which happens when circumstances are so bad all hope is gone and there is no alternative but to lighten things up and press on.

Utter hopelessness she perceived, she was stuck in the middle of nowhere on an inflatable raft with her moronic brother, it is a good thing they had the wife of a murderous psychopath with them to keep them company. She could not help but smirk at the ironic tragedy surrounding her.

Time to buck up, she spoke to Eva, "You stay on the front of the raft Eva, Boris and I will stay in the back. Here, this line will divide the raft." She said as she placed a rope across the middle.

Eva stared into her eyes as Svetlana continued.

"Don't even think about trying to throw us overboard while we sleep, one of us will always be awake."

Eva paused briefly to compose her thoughts before she replied, "Listen to me Svetlana, do you think that is the best way for us to live through this?"

Svetlana cut her off before she could start another sentence, "I'll tell you the best way to get through this Eva, Boris and are going to get through this just fine and you can stay away from us! Your family is utterly nuts, Toly shoved me back into the capsule and locked us in. He sealed all of our fates. Your son is just like his dad, only he didn't succeed with the actual murdering part!" 

Svetlana was fuming now as she continued, "I don‟t trust you for one minute Eva, what a great mom you turned out to be..." Svetlana turned up the sarcasm.

Eva had finally had enough and she took a quick step forward simultaneously slapping

Svetlana across the face.

The teenager was caught off guard and took the open-faced palm hard across the cheek,

she was quick to react throwing a slap of her own and connecting with Eva.

Then Eva leveraged her taller frame to shove down Svetlana. Svetlana went to get up

and Boris finally jumped in to stop the melee.

"Get away and let me settle this." Svetlana said to her brother as she pushed up from the

floor of the raft with her powerful thighs and knocked Boris backwards. She was up, but

unluckily for Boris, he could not find a solid footing to counteract his sister's shove and he

quickly tumbled backwards over the side of the raft, falling head first into the water.

The good news is that before the mission, Boris was a highly accomplished member of

his schools swim team. The bad news is, he was still wearing his space suit just like the girls. In

the water, his cumbersome suit began to fill rapidly with seawater and drag Boris down so

swiftly, his strong kicks could do absolutely nothing to halt his rapid descent.

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