Chapter 24 - Generational Allies

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It was a rough ride in the KGB VTOL aircraft for Ivan. He held his son in his arms

willing him to stay alive until they could get help. Ivan spoke to the KGB agent, "I don't know

if you saved us or abducted us. Since you know my name I would like to know yours?"

The agent answered back, "That is a good question comrade. I don't know why I had to

pick you up, only that I had orders to pick you up. You must be of value to Maximillian

Rasputin because we are going directly to him. In the KGB we lose our names, as agents are

initiated into service we receive a number. You may call me Agent Forty-Four."

Ivan thought for a moment and replied, "I used to work directly with Nikolai Rasputin, is

this Maximillian that you speak of related to him?"

Forty-Four had a quick reply, "You can ask him yourself comrade we are landing on his

property in Serpukhov on the Nara River a little ways outside of Moscow in ten minutes."

Ivan could tell he would not get the answers to any of his questions from this henchman

piloting the aircraft.

The VTOL aircraft continues to slice through the cloudy menacing sky. As it approaches

the large walled compound of the Rasputin estate, the engines slowly rotate to point downward,

bringing the aircraft to a calm hover. Forty-Four gently reduced the power on the throttle and 

the aircraft slowly wobbled straight down until it landed, Ivan watched the pilot‟s movements 

and thought the controls looked easy to operate, similar to the rocket ship controls he used to 

fly to Mars.

Just as the plane touched down a small, Mercedes Geländewagen Ambulance pulled

directly up to the fuselage hatch. When Forty-Four opened the door, the two paramedics from

the ambulance gently took Anatoly from his father's arms placing him on a stretcher. The

paramedics began to treat and stabilize Toly so they could load him inside their Mercedes and

take him to Rasputin's private hospital.

Ivan tried to stay by his side but Forty-Four placed his hand on his shoulder to lead him

into the house, telling Ivan that Anatoly was in good care and they could visit later.

Ivan resisted and pulled away from the agent. "Wait, before you go I can help him. I

need to liquefy and then vaporize the crystals I have in my bag. The gas will stabilize Toly until

he can be put back together."

Forty-Four looked curiously at Ivan.

Ivan said, "Just give me a few minutes and I will show you. Anyway I am sure Rasputin

will be interested in these." Ivan raised and shook the green backpack.

The agent waived his hand for Ivan to proceed.

Ivan unzipped the green backpack he took off of the raft and kept by his side from the

moment he obtained it. He had been ever so careful to keep it near him while they journeyed to

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