Chapter Four

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Andi held the book out in front of her, and the keys were in her other hand. The other kids were trying to come up with something to say to her. "That's a history textbook, an egyptian textbook." Fabian said. "It's an egyptian cookbook." Alfie tried. "It's a shopping list." Amber added. "Stop! There isn't anything in the-" The door to the library swung open. Andi hid the book behind her back, and managed to close the drawer, and put the three keys in her pocket. "What are you children doing in here?" Mr. Sweet asked. "They were just explaining how the library is organized. Brits do it different than Irish libraries." Andi stuck up for them. "Yeah, things are way different here than in Ireland." Nina said, glaring at Andi. "I don't care! Get to your afternoon classes!" Mr. Sweet yelled. All of the students ran out of the library except Eddie. "You should really talk to Andi more, you'll find you have a lot in common." "What's that mean?" Eddie asked. "She wants to keep her identity a secret, I respect that." Mr. Sweet added. "You did, she can too." "What? Wait explain." "Ask Andi, she is the one you should be talking to." Mr. Sweet said with a sly smile. 

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