Chapter One

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Nina rode in the cab that would take her back to her favorite place in the world, the boarding school in England. It is called House of Anubis, and Nina couldn't wait to get back. Sure there would be changes, but there is always a new mystery to unlock. 

The cab driver pulled her suitcase out of the back of his truck, and gave it to her. "Good luck." he said as he climbed back into the cab and drove away. Nina turned towards the house, the house of Anubis and strode toward it confidently. When she opened the door, she saw that only suitcases were in the front lobby. She turned and walked into the kitchen were she saw everyone huddled around the table. Alfie was sharing a story and everyone else was laughing. Fabian stood up and glanced towards Nina's way. "Nina!" He yelled and ran towards her and gave her a huge bear hug. "Nina!" Everyone else exclaimed. They all joined in on the reunion. "Nina your hair!" Patricia said. She was right, Nina had curled it and put it into a bun, and put brown highlights in. They all were smiling and laughing soon enough. "How was America?" Fabian asked. "It was awesome, me and Gran were having an awesome time, but I thought it was time to come back." Eddie laughed as he tapped Fabian on the back, "I think she needs her necklace back if she's going to stay here." Eddie was right, Fabian took out the eye of horus locket and put it around Nina's neck. "Um, hello?!" A familiar voice came from behind them. "Can't a girl get at least a good introduction from her best friends?" "Amber!" Nina yelled "I missed you so much!" As she ran to give her a hug. "I missed all of you." Nina laughed. "So did I, I was top in my class at fashion school but a girl needs her friends sometimes, doesn't she?" Amber was as sassy as ever,  "haha yes!" They all laughed. "Where;s KT?" Amber asked as she glanced around. "Who?" Nina said. "Long story short, Frobisher Smythe goes beddy-bye he wakes up argh, me evil. KT and Eddie pound him into the ground. He go bye-bye KT doesn't have her grandfather any more. The end." Alfie said with multiple sound effects. "So whose rooming with who?" Joy asked from behind them. 

Later on at dinner Marissa cooks dinner behind them. She is the new housewife ever since Trudy went to travel the world with her newly wed husband. Jasper and Trudy make a great couple! "Is this where we are all at now?" A voice from the hallway came. "Yeah, all of us are in there." Eddie's voice replies. Eddie and a girl with long blond hair in a ponytail enter the room. "Andi, meet Patricia, Nina, Amber, Alfie, Fabian, Joy, Mara, and Jerome. Everyone this is Andi." Eddie introduced us all. "Hello," Andi replied with an irish accent. She took a seat next to Eddie at the far end of the table. Eddie took a seat next to Patricia. "Wonderful campus, it is beautful this time of year." Andi said, trying to spark conversation. "Keep your hands off my boyfriend or you won't have any taste in seasons." Patricia glared at Andi, as she took Eddies hand. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble-" "Well, you did." Patricia Snapped. "Patricia, here, is head of the welcoming committee." Fabian added. "She's dumped water on me and Amber," Nina started, "Oh, and a milk on me," Eddie added "Which you used to eat your cereal," Jerome added, "Yes that was disgusting, she also dumped orange juice on KT, and iced tea on Willow." Mara added. "Yep, she does that." Joy added. Patricia started to stand up, "Yes, it wouldn't be the same if you didn't get the same treatment all of them got." "Please, Patricia, Please don't." Mara pleaded. It was too late Patricia grabbed a full pitcher of water and dumped it on Andi. "How dare you?" Andi yelled, "I tried to be nice, but you asked for it." Andi reached for a full pitcher of apple juice. "You wouldn't dare." Patricia said. "Try me." Andi dumped it on Patricia and she growled. The fight had just begun. Patricia started by throwing pancakes then Andi started throwing butter, and syrup. Soon the entire table was having a food fight. There were cakes being thrown, milk, sugar. Anything that was on the table and in the cabinets. Everyone was laughing and having fun until someone walked in. The room was dead silent. Dead silent. Nobody dared to even breath, He started pacing around the table and around the students. "Who has started this?" He asked in a deep calm voice. "Everyone pointed to where Patricia and Andi stood. They each had food in hand, and they were the ones that were covered the most. "The british girl and the irish girl. You aren't one to welcome Miss. Williamson, and for you Miss. Pennington, I would expect more from you." He reached into his coat pocket and brought out two toothbrushes. "You shall clean every inch of this mess, by tomorrow morning. Using only these. Patricia shall show you how it is done. She is for that matter one that is constantly in trouble. No for the rest of you go change and get to your classes. Miss Pennington and Miss Williamson are excused for the day." "Yes Victor," Everyone scrambled out of the dining room and off to change. "Hmph." Victor strode off towards his office were he would work and watch like a hawk.

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