Chapter Six

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The next morning at breakfast, everyone was waiting around. No food had been prepared. Alfie was really wanting on of Trudy's amazing omelets. His stomach was starved. "Guys, where on earth is Marissa?" Alfie asked with an angry edge to his voice. murmurs of I don't knows spread across the room. Everyone was hungry, and tired of waiting. Just then, everyone stopped talking. Alfie looked over and suddenly knew why. Andi glanced over at him, and didn't realize the big deal that was taking place. Victor strolled into the room. Walking behind him was Mr. Sweet and someone else, Alfie couldn't see. Alfie glanced over at Andi and her face went pale. She was staring at the women who had walked in. Alfie could see her now. She had a pink dress on, black hair in a bun. What was so wrong with her? Alfie thought to himself. He watched as the pale color drained from Andi's face into even more pale. She was mesmorized as she watched this lady walk in the room.Victor's voice boomed over the entire table. "This is Drya, she will be our new housemother. Well Drya, these children are very hungry. I shall see that you feed them well." Victor said as he walked out. Alfie glanced back at Andi and saw as she got up and ran out of the room. All of the Sibuna gang ran out and followed Andi. The only ones that didn't were Mara, Jerome, and Joy. "Probably something urgent." Joy said as she pushed back her chair and ran after everyone else. When she got up there she opened and closed the door behind her. Andi was digging around under her bed. She pulled out a box and grabbed three keys. She thrust them out in front of her and into Nina's hands. "I don't want in, that's not normal. I-I" Andi started. "I've seen her before. She was in my-" "Vision," Eddie started. "You saw a vision, you get those because you are the Osirian." "Ahh!" Andi screamed and held her hands to her ears. "No! I don't want to! Mom don't make me go! I don't want to be with him! He was never a father to me! Stop! Mom! Please!" Andi was shaking, rocking back and forth,freaking out. "It's okay," Nina tried to sooth her. "Please just explain. Maybe if we know we can help." Andi wiped away tears at her eyes. "I saw that woman, talking to da-Mr.Sweet. They were telling each other about a mission. They needed to be close to do some mission. She said she would do anything to succeed at this mission. I saw it happen, they said she would be a staff here. I saw it in m dream." "Not a dream, a vision. You get yours when your the o-" Patricia shoved a hand over Eddie's mouth. "The only way you can be the, o-word is if you are related to me in some way, shape, or form and your not." Eddie explained. "When you were screaming you said he was never a father to you. Who were you talking about?" Eddie asked. "Fine, I will tell you but you cannot tell anyone else. My dad is the principal." Eddie laughed. "Okay now tell us the truth." Eddie pushed. "That was the truth. Me and my mom, and step-dad live in Ireland. She sent me here when she told me about a brother I was supposed to meet, the only thing is I don't know who he is." "Sweetie is your dad?" Patricia asked. "Yeah," Eddie said. "Cause he is also my dad." 

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