Chapter Five

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The Sibuna gang was meeting that night. Before they left Nina made sure Andi was asleep so that she wouldn't follow. What happened in the library was too close. When all of Sibuna had gathered into the anti-chamber they were ready to start their meeting. "Guys, that was KT's key, and Miss Denby's. What was the other key?" Eddie started. "That key was the key to the fake Mask of Anubis, which really is the real one now. We keep it down there for safety purposes. We also keep the cup of ankh down there in the mask chamber." Nina explained. "We had the book of Isis kept there so no one would find it, not even Victor. Andi is ruining everything." Amber complained. "Well what I don't understand is why she isn't asking more questions and pushing us to tell her whats going on. I mean I would." Joy added. "So would I, if it didn't come in the way of fashion." Amber said. "Guys, I think we have a problem." Alfie said from were the door stood. "Yeah you do." Came a voice from the other end. "Let me in. Now." "Let her in." Nina said. Alfie pushed the button and the door slid open and there stood Andi. "I thought you were asleep!" Nina said angrily. "Oh yeah," She imatated a snore. "Are you really that dumb? Never mind don't answer that. Heres what I want to know, and you have to tell me. I looked into this thing." She held out the book of Isis. "Ancient Heiroglphics, I read them. I translated them. They are ingrediants, to an elixir of life. Also they talk about the history of all the egyptians. Yes, I translated all most all. Now, what I need you to do is explain it all to me, or I give this book back to Victor and say I caught you trying to rewear the mask, and recreate the elixir of life. Start talking." "First of all," Joy said. "How would you know about the mask of anubis, or Victor, or the tears of gold?" "I have my sources. I also know that you gave up being something special. And Nina is the chosen one. So was Sarah, she's the one who gave you the locket, the eye of Horus. She also gave you the dollhouse, and that's what gave you clues into finding everything. I know about the tunnels in the library, and I know where the mask is and the cup of ankh, and I also know about the amulets." Andi said with pride. "How?" Fabian asked with astonishment. "I've been standing here for the past hour. I heard everything you guys just recapped." Andi answered. "The only thing I don't undertand is this Sibunia you guys talk about." "Sibuna, it's our scooby-doo gang." Amber replied. "Oops sorry." After they all glared at her. "Fine, well I want in." Andi said confidently. She walked into the anti-chamber and Alfie closed the door behind her. "I want-" Andi started as she stared towards the picture of Robert Frobisher Smythe. She froze. She stared. And she watched. 

In the vision she saw her dad. She saw Victor and her dad. And a lady, she never turned so she never saw her face. She had black hair. She wore a pink dress. She had glasses and her hair was up in a bun. They were in an office. "Victor you know we have to bring Drya in soon. She needs to be near us at all times. Maybe she could work as a teacher. How are you with students?" "Very well, I don't prefer teenagers but if we are to complete our mission then I will do as I must." Drya, the women, replied. "Very well, get rid of Marissa and hire her as the new housemother." Victor said as he threw his hands in the air. "She isn't much of a cleaner anyway." "Well then where am I to send Marissa?" Andi's dad asked. "I don't care- Andi, Andi, Andi!" Eddie was yelling at her as Andi released from her trance. "What is it?" "No-no-nothing. I need to go to sleep." Andi said as she pushed away from Eddie. "No, no, I know that stare what did you see?" Eddie whispered. Patricia glared at Andi as she looked at Eddie. "Nothing, and good night." Andi said pushing away and heading upstairs. "Guys," Eddie said as he faced everyone else. "I know that stare, and I know what that was. They are the same thing I used to get when I was the osirian." Eddie was interupted from a shriek. Everyone rushed out to see Andi halfway up the stairs but she had stopped, she was holding her hands up to her ears, and yelling. "Stop! Stop!" Everyone rushed over to her. She hda left the book of Isis laying in front of her. Alfie reached for it while he watched as Andi was shaking. "What? What is it?" Nina asked her. "Don't use that word, that word it feels wierd." Andi yelled, as quietly as she could. "What? Osirian?" Eddie asked, as she was about to scream Patricia threw a hand over her mouth and said. "Let's get to bed." Patricia and Joy helped Andi up the steps. "I knew what that was guys. That was a vision. Only Osirian's get." Eddie said. "Do you think since you gave up your place that Andi got it?" Fabian asked. "Maybe but it wouldn't work unless..." Eddie replied "Unless what?" "Unless we're related... Remember how my dad was talking to us in the library?" "Yeah everyone replied. "He said something about Andi's identity. That she wanted to keep it a secret so he respected that." "What? This is like seriously like getting interesting." Amber said. "What if Andi is the Osirian? And she's your sister?" 

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