Chapter Nine

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"Ms. Martin?"

"Yes?" Nina stood up and walked over to Victor.

"Pack up your things, you have to fly back to America."

"What?" Patricia yelled.

"No one else needs to comment, Nina, you are due downstairs in ten minutes, everyone else get out." Victor slammed the door behind him and Nina turned to face everyone else.

"What?" Nina asked. "It couldn't be Gran, she is doing fine, she isn't sick anymore and she wouldn't call me back, it couldn't be anyone else."

"Calm down," Andi said. "Looks like you won't be kidnapping me anytime soon."

"Think again, you are coming with me to America."

"What? Why would I do that?"

"Doesn't matter because you are."

"You can't sneak an entire person onto a plane."

"Looks like this will come in handy." Nina bent under her bed and grabbed a box, she pulled some things out and grabbed a slip of paper. "I got this when Gran and I went back to America the last time, I gave up my seat in first class so thats how I got this, it's a round trip ticket to anywhere in the world."

"No, think again, I am not coming."

"You will if you know who else is coming." Eddie said standing. "I have one of those to! Yoohoo! Trip to America guys!"

"No!" Patricia stood up, "Whatever it is I am coming to!"

"You don't have a plane ticket, how will you get there?"

"I have my ways."

Two days later they were on a plane, Patricia had not come around and it was only Nina, Eddie, and Andi. No one had told them what was going on, why they were going, or why Victor sat in the seat in front of them.

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