I have no clue what to call this

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It had been a long day for Germany. He didn't have a full-time job, but he was being worked extra hard on his current side job. He was fine with it, he usually overworked anyway. But today there was a heatwave, but it was planned to get extremely cold in the afternoon. And it did. He was shivering. The poor dude was lonely and in need of affection, but everyone seemed to hate him. And they all misgendered him. "Once a female, always a female" and other things. He heard them all day long. And they all also claimed he was the same as his father. And it pained him.

Just as he was about to fall asleep at his desk, Russia called. Germany just so happened to like the tall russian man, so he picked up. "Hallo?" He said into the phone, obviously exhausted.

"Privet Germaniya!" Russia chirped. "You must be tired, but could I visit? My siblings are getting payback for how bitchy I am to them and I realize why they leave all the time. I really want to, please please- what's the german word- BITTE, can I come over??"

Germany sighed. Russia sounded really desperate. And he admired the fact he said please in German just to try and convince him. "Du know what sure. Why not."

"Spasiba!!" The russian thanked Germany. "I'm gonna head your way NOW."

Germany huffed as russia hung up. "My siblings hardly ever fight with me."

after not very long russia did arrive and violently knocked on Germany's door. "ITS ME"

"Russland I know it's you." Germany mumbled as he opened the door.

Russia ran inside and slammed the door "thank you so much you have no clue how much this means-"

"Oh I'm sure I don't" Germany huffed. "Now Russia I've got a question."

Russia looked nervous "o-oh? What-?"

Germany looked up and pointed at Russia's ushanka. "Why do you always wear that?"

Russia looked around "uhhh- it reminds me of m-my dad"

Germany looked at him "you seemed very unsure of that"

Russia shook his head "Nyet, nyet- uh- I mean it-"

Germany walked up and grabbed Russia's ushanka.

"GERMANIYA!" Russia yelled and covered his head. "GIVE ME THAT BACK"

Germany looked at him "I'm not giving it back until you show me whatever you're hiding."

Russia grumbled and slowly lifted his arms. "I hate this." He mumbled as two white bear ears were uncovered.

Germany giggled "awww you look like a teddy bear"

"Shut the fuck up." Russia growled.

Germany looked at him "but its cute"

Russia then turned a bit pink "did- did you- just call me cute-"

Germany shook his head "Nein, I called your ears cute." Germany then thought of something "I bet I could make ya turn even more pink"

Russia looked at him. "Try me."

Germany looked him right in the eyes and revealed his cat ears "what about this"

Russia did indeed blush "U-Uh-"

Germany laughed. "HAHA I KNEW IT!" he then recovered the ears

"W-Wait- c-can I see again?"

Germany then blushed as well "...Was?"

Russia looked at him. "They're cute- I- I just wanna see them again"

Rusger story lmao idk what to call itWhere stories live. Discover now