stop bothering me.

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russia was at his house, pacing around in worry. according to everyone else, if they tried to text germany to check up on him, he'd send them 
'stop bothering me.' 
and then say nothing else.
russia didn't want germany to yell at him, so he hadn't done anything. But he started realizing that had been a mistake. if germany responded, it meant he was atleast alive. but if he just stayed silent.. 
he remembered what germany had once talked to him about. 
the first time he attempted to kill himself. 
russia had heard every detail. 

he was worried. 
'i need to go check up on him.' he thought to himself.

but what if he was overreacting? 

what if germany just wanted to be alone? 

better be safe than sorry. 
he ran outside, hopped in his truck, and turned the key. 
it wouldn't start.
"No no no no nonononono c'mon not right now you can't be doing this.." 

after a panic-filled few seconds it finally started, and russia went on his way to germany's house.
on his way there, he ran through the details germany told him. 
'door unlocked, all lights in house on, pure silence when house is entered' 

he slowly pulled into the driveway. "lights.. are on... first sign" 

as he got out of his truck, his heart was beating fast as could be and he felt sick. "germany..." 

he ran to the door, slowly turning the handle. unlocked. 
"god... no.." 
as he quietly walked around, the house wasn't silent. but instead he could hear faint sobbing.. 

"hes.. alive." he listened and tried his best to figure out which room he was in. upstairs.. office. "of course. thats what he told me.. why wouldnt he have done anything... different?" 

"wow. criticizing the way hes attempting suicide. god. im a shitty person.. this is all my fault!" russia began to cry as he walked upstairs to find his partner. 

finally. he reached the door of germany's office. 

the sobbing grew increasingly louder as he opened the door. "germaniya...?" he peered inside. there kneeled the small figure of a frail german, writing a note of sorts. the shadow of a pistol creeped around onto the desk germany was next to as russia opened the door.

"russland... warum bist du hier...?" 

"GERMANIYA!" russia cried as he ran up to germany. he hugged the small being. "why... why" 

"russland..." germany cried. 

"no.. its my fault isnt it" russia continued to sob. "why..." 

"nein...! russland... i..." 

"who then? wh-who made you want to do this again?" 


"germaniya! answer me... please.." 


"pol'sha?! but why?!" 

"death threats... reminding me of my father... blaming me for the things he'd done... insisting i was the cause of all my friends ending their lives.. saying i should end my own.." 

"pol'sha did all of that!?" 


"germaniya... you know you're better than him.. please dont even think of that..." 

"russland... wie soll ich wissen..? wie kann ich sicher sein, dass ich nicht wie mein vater werde?" 

"you arent like him germaniya! youre nothing like him. i promise you'll never become him. pol'shas just scared of you. and theres no reason for it. i swear on my life, however, if he sends you another death threat or tells you to kill yourself ever again he wont see the next day." 

"russland! i dont want you to kill him... then they'll think badly of you!" 

"they already do. germaniya, you dont want to give pol'sha the satisfaction that you did end up killing yourself.. do you?" 


"see..? its not even a good thing. he'll think he'd actually won. and who knows, he'd go on to terrorize someone else until they kill themselves.. and the cycle will just continue." 

"but theres no point in me being here if im seen as such a disgrace.." 

"germaniya. youre the kindest, most wonderful human person i've ever met. youre beyond words. you improve this world. i dont know how i even managed to get you as my partner. you know i love you..." 

"i love you too..." 

"i couldnt keep myself alive if you died! you mean everything to me. youre my entire world." 

"nein... you cant die too..." 

"see..? theres no point in you not being here. the entire world would fall apart of you werent here. my entire life would end if you werent here. you're my everything. i need you." 


"no! stop! dont even. there is no valid reason for your death. i cant lose you germaniya..." 

germany couldnt speak. he was sobbing.

"hey.. its alright.." russia hugged him again. "youre so skinny...  when did you eat last..? you know what? i dont wanna know. i'll feed you afterwards. but i have only two objectives at the moment." russia pulled away from the hug. he grabbed germany's left arm. as he gently tugged on the sleeve, beginning to pull it up, he realized this wasnt just something he can do out of nowhere. "shit- im sorry-" he looked up from germany's arm. 

"may i look?" 

germany whimpered slightly but nodded. 

russia pulled up the sleeve on the shirt germany was wearing. 

fresh wounds. 

"oh germany.." russia sighed and looked him in the eyes. "i understand its your best coping mechanism. but we need to stop this. it'll take a bit of time.. but will you atleast let me help you get to a point where this isnt happening anymore..?"

germany thought for a moment, and then nodded. 

"alright.. and now." he grabbed germany and took him to his room, and laid him down on his bed. "youre going to be weak from all that. and you probably have a headache from crying as well." russia gently placed the blanket on the bed over germany and walked out. 

"nein! wait... c-come back.." 


"...would you stay here..? like.. cuddle with me..? u-unless you dont want to th-then its fine-" 

"i'd be glad to do so ger." russia slightly smiled as he walked back to the bed and crawled in next to germany. 

germany turned and huddled against russia, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Rusger story lmao idk what to call itWhere stories live. Discover now