Tables flipped [TW!]

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Russia has been silent all day. Yeah he was secretive but never silent. He would always text Germany or... Something. Germany had been working but felt awful. Why wasn't Russia talking to him? He panicked and left work early, racking off to Russia's house. Going past the speed limit was nothing to Ger.

He made it to Rus's house within under 10 minutes, and ran up to the door. It wasn't locked, unlike what Russia usually did. Germany's heart dropped and his breathing went shallow, his heart racing, and tears filling his eyes as he walked into the house, trying to be insanely quiet, so he could be able to hear if there was any form of life in here. The smell of vodka hit him immediately and he gagged from how bad it was.

Sure enough, Germany could hear small sobs and hiccups once he listened real close. It was coming from upstairs, so Germany walked up there as quiet as he could. He slowly entered the upstairs hallway and could now tell the sounds were coming from the bathroom, and he approached the door with caution.

As he got closer to the door, he could tell that this was Russias voice, and slowly grabbed the knob on the door. As soon as Russia noticed the knob turning he dropped something, and you could hear whatever it was roll. Germany opened the door quicker and was startled to see Russia sitting on the bathroom floor, both his arms and legs having dried blood dripping down them from small cuts. There were around 3 vodka bottles in the room, none completely emptied, one spilled. Russia sat there in shock, his breathing quick and shallow, a hiccup following every few breaths.

Russia broke out into a mess of tears, which didn't help the fact he already couldn't breathe. "GERMANIYA! I-I-I- IM- IM SORRY- I- I- G- IM-" he couldn't manage to put one sentence together and bolted out of the bathroom door, covering his face with his ushanka.

Germany heaved out a long sigh and decided he'd give Rus a few minutes to calm down. So he decided to clean this mess up. He leaned down and lifted the spilled vodka bottle, gagging slightly at the smell before placing it on the counter. He picked up the other, but when he went to lift up the last one he noticed what he heard roll before he walked in here. He lifted it out from under the counter and looked closely.

It was a medication bottle. seemed brand new. The expiration date was very recent. the label wasn't faded at all. But it had a couple spots on it that felt wet, and smelled very strongly of alcohol. As he looked he noticed another orange bottle under the counter and that's when it sunk in.

Both bottles were almost empty and seemed brand new.

One was benzodiazepines, which Germany was fully aware Russia took, to help him with his anxiety. But he knew it didn't help Rus' narcolepsy and tried to get him to stop, but that didn't work.

But the other was opioids.

Germanys world seemed to slow. His breathing shallowed and his heart started racing. His stomach felt like it was twisted in a knot. His heart sunk.

Russia was trying to overdose.

Germany panicked and ran to the door of Russias room, which was closed but not tightly and Germany burst in.

Russia looked awful. His breathing was slow, his skin had a purple-ish tint to it and he seemed completely unaware of anything around him, he had no response to loud sounds. He seemed to be losing consciousness, which for a narcoleptic was normal but Germany knew this could also be part of an overdose and ran over, trying to hold Russia up.

"HEY! Hey.. Hey. Can you hear me!? Rus- do- something- if you can hear me-"

As Germany held Russia he noticed Russias heart rate was irregular and slowed, and tears filled his eyes.

Russia weakly tried to grip onto Germanys hand, and through awfully slurred speech, managed to get out a "Help me.. Please... I'm sorry.." Before goin into an episode of vomiting, which Germany was sure was 75% blood.

Russias body temperature was very unusually cold, and Russia seemed to have no response to any stimuli, even when Germany accidentally clawed his arm trying to hold him close. Russia seemed like he was out of it, like he wasn't awake.

Germany held him close and sobbed, vomit getting onto his clothing, but he didn't care. He immediately tried to grab onto Russias phone which was luckily nearby, but it was dead and there wasn't enough time to try to get it charged.

Germany stood up and carried Russia outside weakly, carefully strapping him into the seat belt and racing off to the nearest hospital. Russia still seemed unaware of what exactly was going on, but it was obvious he didn't want to die. He wanted Germany to help him.

Germany arrived and raced into the emergency room, carrying the larger country on him, sobbing.

As the nurses ran over and helped Germany recollect himself as they got Russia onto a stretcher, Germany thought about what he'd do if he'd lost Russia.


He couldn't.

Russia was going to be okay.

That's what he kept telling himself.

An unbearable hour went by as Germany was in the waiting room, pacing back and forth, tears streaming down his face.

And then a nurse walked out and told Germany he could come in, and Germany bolted into the room.

This place was white, clean.. Seemed too familiar. But that wasn't important. Germany leaned down to the bed. "RUSSIA! Hey! Hey- Are- are you okay- Gott that's a stupid question.."

"Germaniya..." Russia mumbled out weakly. "I... I'm sorry..."

"No nononono Rus please don't apologize-" Germany looked up at the nurses, panicked. "Is he gonna be okay!?"

"He should be able to leave pretty soon. However he is on a ventilator and the naloxone hasn't quite kicked in all of the way."

"So.. hes.. okay?"

"Well, chances are he's gonna have a little bit of memory loss. But he should be okay if you get him professional help."

"Is this gonna affect his narcolepsy at all?.."

"It shouldn't. But if you notice it getting bad you come back here immediately."


"You really care about him, huh?"

"Yeah. I have... For years. he's the love of my life, I hate the fact he'd ever try to do this... What can I do to help?."

"If you can convince him to get some major therapy that would help. a ton."

"O-Okay.. Thank you.." Germanys voice drifted off and he looked back at Russia, sighing. "You're gonna be back home soon, okay?"

A small whimper like sound escaped Russia and Germany assumed that meant Russia heard.

"Just a little while longer." The nurse confirmed. "Just a few minutes."

"Then I can take you home. We'll be back home. I promise."

Rusia made a small whimpering sound again, but it seemed less scared. His breathing was pretty much back to normal now, and he didn't look blue or unconscious anymore.

The nurses got Russia off of the ventilator and nodded at Germany. "Well. You may go now."

Germany helped Russia off of the bed and hugged him tightly. "Russland I-I was so scared, I thought I lost you- I thought-"

"I know, Ger... I'm.. sorry.. That was... selfish of me to do."

"No. Rus. No. Attempting to end your own life is not selfish. Stop getting mad for your own feelings. You should express them more... That might help."

"..." Russia teared up and squeezed Germany tightly.

"Now let's get home, shall we?"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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Rusger story lmao idk what to call itWhere stories live. Discover now