Namari & Bakari: Part One

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"It's so good to see you Namari!" My friend from my childhood greeted me with open arms.

"You too baby. How are you?" I grinned from ear to ear. Being around the people that I love always made me happy. I was excited to see everyone tonight.

Today we were celebrating one of our closest friends 30th birthday. The big thirty it's crazy, everyone is getting old as shit.

"I'm doing good. Just started my hair product line. Trying new things so I can get this business off of the ground." My friend since middle school replied.

"I hear that. I'm proud of you sis." I said truthfully because I am proud seeing how far everybody came up since we were young. Everyone made something out of themselves, as they should.

Scanning the room to see who was all here, I noticed everybody had a blunt in there hand while vibing to the music that blared throughout the venue.

"Did you eat yet?" Justice asked cutting me out of my thoughts quickly. After, she inhaled the toxic smoke from the burning wood then she passed it to me.

"Nah I haven't. Let's go make a plate before we start drinking." I suggested to her. Drinking on a empty stomach was not the way to go if you wanted to have a good night. That would only lead you to the toilet and your night would end earlier than others.

The food that was cooked for the guests looked delicious, my mouth watered at the sight. They served salmon, steak, lamb chops, potatoes, and more. I was growing hungrier by the second, I haven't ate all day.

"Go crazy Mari'." My high school friend cheered me on as I grabbed my plate and utensils.

"Oh you already know Kese." I laughed serving myself a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Once I finished filling my plate up as much as I could, I went to grab a seat next to everyone. They had a huge dining table decorated with red and black plates in the middle of the venue. All the decorations around the room were elegant and classy, my type of party.

"Are you enjoying your birthday Vonte?" I asked the birthday boy as soon as I sat down at the dining table, he was tearing his meal up with no hesitation.

"You already know Mari'. I'm happy to see all y'all." He smiled giving me a side hug from his seat.

"I know right I can't wait to start drinking-" I was cut off by a loud obnoxious greeting from someone I thought I wasn't going to see for a long time.

I instantly froze in my seat, butterflies swarmed in my empty stomach.  So many memories ran through my head as I looked over at someone who was once the love of my life.


My high school sweet heart.

The one I counted on when I had no one else.

The one that I could confide in.

The one that I was able to be myself around.

I loved him, shit I still do.

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