Neema & Dayvon

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"Happy Birthday Neeemaaa baby." My closet friend of ten years said dramatically into the phone.

"Thank you girl." I smiled while I finished the last few touches of my outfit today.

"What do you have planned today?" She asked looking at me since we were on FaceTime.

"I have no idea yet, Von is supposed to pick me up in an hour. But girl tell me why he hasn't even told me happy birthday yet. Like it's already one o'clock. Am I trippin or no?" I asked because I was lowkey trippin, I needed that twelve am call. Since he's not on social media like that he hasn't seen the many Birthday stories my friends have posted.

"Maybe he has a surprise for you?" Carla suggested. Making it positive rather than a negative situation.

"Girl I don't know, if not just know I'll be mad as fuck." I said truthfully, it just seems he's not trying at all for this relationship. We've been okay, I would just like more attention, affection, shit more love. Just because we are together doesn't mean we can lack on services that make us love each other in greater heights. I just want more.

"Don't work yourself up it's your day. If that man forgets just let me know and we can go out tonight. This Dj that I know gave me some tickets for this party which I was going to ask you to come out to anyways."

"Where at?" I asked.


"Ouu you know Von hates when I club in the city."  I responded.

"Oh well fuck him." I said quickly once I realized this man forgot my birthday. See look, I still have him on my mind I will respect him and make sure he's validated in everything I do. When it comes down to me, I'm not his first thought.

"This is true girl. Either way we'll have a good time if your plans change with him. Like we always do." Carla replied.

"Okaaay, thank you girl."

"Alright best, I'll let you go they calling me to the front. I'll call you soon?" Carla said.

"Yes ma'm have a great day at work. I love you."

"I love you to girl. Byeee"

After I hung up with Carla, Von texted my phone stating he was outside.

Baby ♥️
Come on big head I'm outside

After I grabbed the rest of my belongings I made my way outside. After I closed the front door, I locked it behind me and started making my way to his all black Benz. Opening his car door, I got inside and buckled myself in. This man drives like a speed racer, there has been multiple times I had to tell him to slow down since I'm in the car.

"Ok bet I'm on my way bro. I'll see you soon." I waited patiently for him to end his call.

"Hi baby." Von said while he clicked the end button on his phone and looked over at me. He looked so good like always and let's not forget how good he smelled. I would've definitely told him forget going outside right now get out this car and let's go back into the house so you can fuck me.

"Hi baby. How are you?" I asked leaning over the middle console to give him a quick peck on his lips.

"What the fuck was that? You rationing around this mothafucka?" Von scrunched his face up referring to the weak kiss I gave him.

"Bro." I sucked my teeth and pecked his lips again and all over his face being super dramatic. Von you still haven't acknowledged my birthday, you're not getting shit from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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