06: The Attack

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Y/N was in her room when someone knocked on the door. She opened it and saw Tom standing in a suit. She smiled immediately when she saw him.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Almost." she answered as she walked to her closet. "I just need to put on some jewelry." They go to The Capitol to arrange some things for her father. JJ goes too.

Y/n opens a drawer and sees all chains. She wasn't sure which one to wear and eventually she chose for a gold necklace. It was given to her from her mother when y/n was 10 years old. She looks in the mirror as she puts on the necklace. She sighs and thinks of her mother. Then she quickly grabs her bag and puts some documents in it.

"I'm sorry it's taking so long." she said hastily. Some pens fall to the floor, she quickly picks it up and puts it back in her bag.

"Doesn't matter. We have the time." Tom said to reassure her. He stands outside the door neatly waiting for her to finish. Y/n puts her bag around her shoulders and walks to the door. Tom lets her into the hallway and closes the door behind her. They both continue down the hallway. They run into a few guards and once they are in the general area, they run into other people as well.

Once a month it is a kind of open day in The White House where visitors can take a look at almost all parts of the white house. Every now and then Y/n comes across a fan. Usually they are sweet. And otherwise they are too enthusiastic that he/she must be removed by security.

"Hemsworth to Holland where are you?" hears Tom in his earpiece. "JJ is already in position, we are not leaving without y/n. Please report."

"Holland to Hemsworth we are almost at the parking garage." Answers Tom.

The white house is like a maze, you can get lost easily. But then y/n's eyes widen and she remembers something.

"Shit, I forgot my phone!" She said to Tom. "I'm sorry! I'll be back soon." She dropped her bag next to Tom and ran away.

"Make it quick, we're a little late already." Tom called after her.

"I promise!" yelled y/n before disappearing behind a wall.

Y/n ran to the library because she was still there this morning. Her phone should be out there somewhere. After a minute she arrives at the library and opens the door. It immediately smells like old books. There are many large windows overlooking the park. You can also see a part of The Capitol and of course the Washington Monument.

While she was searching the room alone, she heard something strange. Something she's never heard of before. She walks to the window and looks to her left, toward the Capitol. She sees a large plane. Which is crazy, because it's illegal to fly here with an airplane, especially a big one. Y/n didn't think much of it. She thought it was strange, but began to look further for her phone. After a few seconds she heard a loud noise. Multiple loud noises. It looked like fireworks at first, but when she looked out the window, she was shocked. The plane flew y/n her way, with weapons on the side, bullets shot through the air too The White House.

Tom was waiting in a room where y/n left him. He looks around. He sees security, tourists and a cleaner. He looked at the man who was walking with a cart. The man often looked around and Tom thought he looked nervous. But it's a cleaner, what could be wrong with that.

"Attention, an unknown aircraft has been spotted in this area. Johnson and his men, now go outside to see if it is safe. We've already launched fighter jets, arriving in 59 seconds. Please report, even if it's nothing." Tom heard Lisa talking through his earpiece. "Understand, we are on our way!" Answer Johnson.

Tom looks at his watch. Y/n has been gone for 1.5 minutes. He is nervously waiting because he doesn't want to be late. But then he hears something remarkable. He recognizes it from thousands. These are bullets.

"GUYS WE NEED BACKUP IN THE AIR. THIS IS INSANE!" shouted Johnson. Tom heard people screaming and the sound of the bullets got louder and louder. "AIRPLANE SHOOTS AT PEOPLE ON THE STREET AND COMES TO THE WHITE HOUSE. FAST BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE-" then the connection was broken.

Tom looked around quickly. The tourists had no idea what was going on. Only the security walked quickly back and forth. Tom became very concerned and hurried to the nearest window. He looked out at the park. Tom saw a plane in the distance. Many bullets came out of the underside as it made its way to the White House.

"What the fuck is this." He could only say. Tom was sure that this is not a good sign and that everyone is in danger. He turned and yelled, "EVERYBODY DOWN! EVERYBODY DOWN NOW!" A millisecond after that came out of his mouth, he heard bullets go through the roof.
People started screaming in panic, fell to the ground because a bullet hit them, started running to find a safe place, didn't know what to do.
Everyone didn't know what had happened.

Tom ran to a corner behind a concrete wall to protect himself from the bullets. He sat down on the floor and only thought of y/n. Where is she? Is she safe? Is she okay? Is she alive? Would she actually know what's going on?

"Holland what is happening there." He hears in his ear. "We need to evacuate this building!" he yelled, hoping they can hear him. "Code 261! I repeat CODE 261, THE WHITE HOUSE IS UNDER ATTACK!"

Tom looked around from corner of the concrete wall. Many people lay dead on the floor and a few sat against the wall for cover. He could still hear loud bullets going through the windows and the roof. When Tom saw a woman and child crying he ran to them to reassure them. It was strange because he didn't see any security anymore.

Then it was quiet in the room where Tom was. No more bullets, no more screaming people. He was breathing quickly from all the hectic and had to recover. But there was silence for a few seconds, he sighs with relief.

Does it stop here?


Not, what happens today is far from finished.

"Airplane has been shot down." said Lisa.

In y/n her perspective she froze at the sight of the plane. She dives down and milliseconds after that the bullets started flying around the room. She moved herself behind a bookcase. Books, vases and lamps are flying around. Shards of glass flew across the room from the broken windows. Y/n made herself small and squeezes her eyes shut. She put her hands on her ears because the bullets made a extremely loud noise . She's terrified. Terrified that a bullet can hit her any second.

It becomes quiet after about 1 minute. Very slowly she removes her hands from her ears. She is panting from the tension. Cautiously she dares to stand up. She looks around her and sees a mess. More than half of the books have fallen to the floor. It is very dusty which makes y/n cough. She puts her hands in her hair and tries to prevent a panic attack. But it doesn't work when she turns around.

Outside her window she sees a plane that has been shot down. There is a fire. People are running, screaming and crying. Y/n starts breathing faster and can't calm down. It's like someone is closing her throat and she can't do anything. She drops her hands and falls to the ground an hugs he legs. She starts to cry. She's so scared.

Then she hears a tune. A recognizable tune. It's her phone. She looks around her. And trying to figure out where it came from. Then she sees a light. It's her phone. It has fallen to the ground. She crawls towards it and sees the screen better and better. It's Tom. There is hope for a moment, but then the screen goes black.

"Shit. No, no, no!" was her reaction.

She was finally able to grab it and stood up. She looked at the black screen and saw a girl. It's y/n. She looks at herself and sees a vulnerable girl who is trembling. You can tell because she can't keep her phone still. A tear falls from her cheeks. Then her screen starts to light up again. It's Tom again.

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