11: Dylan

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I'm walking down the stairs and almost at the bunker. Along the way I took out a few men. According to Lisa there are not much left and I've took out almost all of them. A few more to go. According to the video  footage, they are in the bunker. I'm going right. I keep my gun close to me so I can use it when needed. I walk out of the hall and wait at the corner. I have to turn left here, which means I'm at the entrance of the bunker. I hear the shuffling of the 'guards' feet on the floor. 99% chance they will get the bullet. 1% chance I'll get it. Let's go for the first chance.

I move so I can see the entrance, my gun pointed straight ahead. The big thick doors are open. As if they were expecting someone. And I was right, 2 'guards' stood with their backs to me. I can't really call those guards. Before I knew it, I put a bullet in their heads. They both fall down. I walk quickly and come into a large hall. Everything is there. From computers to generators and other eclectic stuff I don't understand. In the middle I see a boy sitting on a chair. It's JJ. Behind him is a man. I believe that's Dylan. He stood behind the chair. There was a lamp above them which made it 100 times look like a movie. JJ looked bad. He had been punched several times in the face and looked weak, which naturally made me more concerned than I already was.

"Officer Holland. It's nice to finely meet you." See him with a dirty voice. My gun is still pointed at him. I stop walking.

"Let him go." I sounded more confident than I thought.

"No, I think you misunderstood the message. Where is Y/n?"

"It's none of your business. Again let him go."

"Let's start by letting go of your weapon." He said.

"Why would I? Loosen his hands, and then we'll talk."

Dylan moves to the side of JJ's chair. His hand grabs something from the inside of his black leather jacket. It's a gun. He points it at JJ's head. I see JJ shed a tear. That he has to go trough this at this young age, poor kid.

Dylan said: "I'm sorry, what did I say again?"

I lower my weapon.

"Do you have the code? Yes or no?" said Dylan.

I thought very carefully. Do I have to say. It's a good idea for JJ safety. There is so much going through my head. "Yes." I finally said. "I want to exchange it. The code for JJ."

"Why should I trust you?

"Since I want to keep JJ safe, why risk his life?" I started to sweat more and more from the tension.

"Okay." Dylan's undoes JJ's hands and forces him to get up. He still holds him. "Give me the code and you'll get him."

"I'll give you 2 numbers, then if you give me JJ, you'll get the rest." Dylan nods. I swallow. "0-1" I said

Dylan still keeps JJ with him. Nerves race through my body. Then Dylan pushes JJ at me. I immediately bring him behind me. Then he point his gun at me.

"Give me the other numbers!" he said urgently.


Dylan nods cautiously. "I'm going to pass it on. "

Shit, he's passing. I hoped he would leave it at that. What he doesn't know is that I passed a wrong code. If that code got into their hands, a lot more terrible things would happen. I can't let that happen.

Dylan loads his gun. "You gave me the wrong code." He said mad.

"Before he could release a bullet, I pushed myself and JJ to the ground. I heard the bullet go off. Luckily he went to the wall behind us.

"Shit," Dylan said. Turns out his bullets ran out. I seized the opportunity and moved JJ and I behind a wall.

"I have to keep it short." I said. "You will go out through that door. Don't worry everything is safe. Y/n is waiting for you outside. Tell her that I'm going to be okay. I'll take care of this. Got it?"

"Thank you." Is just what he said. Out of nowhere he gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"Stay strong buddy." I pulled away from the hug and JJ quickly ran through the said exit on his way out.

I looked around the corner and saw Dylan still trying to fill his magazine. I decided to intercept him. I ran to him and pushed him over. His gun fell to the ground. I immediately kicked it away. Dylan stood up and kicked me in the stomach. I fell to the ground and had to recover. Dylan then took my gun from my holster and pointed it at me.

I could just barely knock it away with my hand trick. It worked and the gun fell to the floor. We started to fight. It went back and forth all the time. Then he got another kick in the face, and then I again and so on. After a while I start to get very tired. It's getting harder to catch my breath, which becomes my weakness. We're both trying to get one of the guns.

At one point we both stood in front of each other. We both looked too the side and saw the 2 guns. We looked at each other again. We were both going to do it, and we knew that about each other. The tension is coursing through my body. It's death or victory.

We both dive down to get the gun, picked it up, got up again and pointed it at each other. Before I knew it, a bullet went off. I didn't even know who shot it. Dylan pointed his gun to the ground. Just like I did. We are both breathing heavily. Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. It was as if needles went through me. I looked at my stomach.

I was too late.

Nervous I was waiting. Everyone was nervous anyway. I just hope Tom and JJ are both alive. It's just taking too long for me. In the distance I saw someone approaching. It was JJ. I could not believe my eyes. "It's JJ" I said. Everyone looked up and saw JJ approaching. He looked confused and scared. I ran to him. I ran as fast as I could towards him. When I was with him I immediately gave him a hug. "Thank god you're alive!"

"Are you okay?" he said quietly. Staring straight ahead as I pull back.

"Yeah, totally fine." I smile. Finally I see him again. "You look terrible. Are you okay?"

"A little" he said weak.

Then I realize something. "Where's Tom?" I asked concerned.

JJ looks down. "I have to tell you something that Tom wanted me to tell you. He said it's going to be okay. That he'll take care of it."

"No no no no, you're telling me that he's in a room with a murder?" I said fast trying not to tear up.

"Y/n calm down-"

"No. I've had the time of my life over the past few weeks since mom passed away. He's everything too me. I can't leave him there alone!"

"Y/n he loves you!" JJ said. "He doesn't want you too go in there! He wants you safe. Okay?"

I look at a door of the white house and bite my lip. I take a deep breath. "I have no other choice."

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