Love at first sight

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By suppersugar

You are the new Sailor Pluto, after the last Sailor Pluto had died she had passed down her time stuff to you. You couldn't believe that you're now the new Guardian of the planet Pluto. You are practically still in high school in your third year thinking that this year was going to be awesome.

But of course a weird shiny red garnet orb flew into your window one late night and it told you your purpose and your new destiny.

You didn't want to believe it and tried your hardest to wake up from this nightmare dream.

But no matter what you did the orb told you what you had to do and that was of course keep watch over Planet Pluto and you have to watch the door of time.

When you touch the orb, it transmissioned you to a whole new scenery that you could barely describe.

But you figured that this wide and open empty space was called the door A Time.

There was several of other doors there as well but the one that the orb told you to watch the most was the one that led into the future, it also told you that only you are the one that can get to and from the future and other doors but you must not open them and watch it for all eternity.

HELL NO! was your exact words as you wanted to go home so of course the ball granted your wish

it also told you that since you are also the new guardian of time you are also a Sailor Scout, you had three other partners with you that protects the prince and princess of the new moon.

The crystal orb explained everything from start to finish, and on that midnight you transform for the very first time it's a Sailor Pluto, of course you weren't anything like the original Sailor Pluto who was very beautiful from what the orb showed you, from your tan dark skin and look alike red ruby eyes you didn't think it would be so bad.

Then enter your teammates. Two girls named Sailors Uranus and Neptune. And then the last one was a child named Sailor Saturn. You took notice of the little girl and you thought she was the one of your dreams.

You introduce yourself to her and she introduces herself. Throughout many adventures you saw how helpful Sailor Saturn was and then she told you her name, Hotaru. She later on opens up to you about her past and you feel sympathy for her.

One thing leads to another.

You and her fall in love and live happily ever after.

The end. 

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