Sailor Moon Sun: The Story Of Sailor Sun

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by  Diluc_ofmonstadt

Caleb: Do you want me to do it, or do you want to talk about how you became Sailor Sun?

Aruka: You can do it Babe. And I'll add on if I need to.

Caleb: Great. What's going on, the name's Caleb Griffin. I come from the streets of Brooklyn and I came to Japan to meet my wife Aruka. See, Aruka lives in Japan. And we made a promise way back when that when High School was over, we would come and find each other and get married.

Aruka: And I wasn't settling for any guy. See, Unlike Caleb, a man among MEN, the men in Japan are a major turn off. Most of the girls are a bunch of bitches, and the majority are RENT-A-GIRLFRIENDS. So...Basically classy prostitutes.

Caleb: I would like to interject I was also kidnapped by a Rent-A-Girlfriend, and Aruka, as Sailor Sun, had to save my ass. By the way, you never told me why or how your sailor scout uniform looks like a Hooker's outfit-

Aruka: *Blushes* It was how it was designed, you ass!

Caleb: ^w^....Uh-huh.

Aurka: Take that Damn grin off of your face Caleb!

Caleb: Anyway, While in Japan, Aruka came across a mysterious artifact that allowed her to become Sailor Sun. With this power under her belt, Aruka became the first to Survive Queen Beryl's onslaught on earth.

Aruka: You were there too, right?

Caleb: No, I was helping a dumbass fix the multiverse.

Aruka: Was it Setsuna?

Caleb: Well...Yes and No. Do you want me to continue?

Aruka: I'll take over real fast if you don't mind.

Caleb: Sure babe. *Kisses her on her forehead* take it away.

*Aruka blushes*: B-Baka. Ahem! As Sailor Sun, I fought alongside the Sailor Scouts. There were some original Scouts from a "Canon" timeline, whatever that is, and there were new scouts from Alternate timelines. Namely Sailor Winter. God I could not stand her. Violin loving-looking ass.

Caleb: Don't be Jealous of Tsume Sakamea.

Aruka: The bitch tried to come to you! And even after we're married, she's still going to try to get your Big Caleb!

Caleb: Is it my fault that Big Caleb is like a jungle snake?

Aruka:...Is it?

*Caleb shrugs*: I dunno. I have no control over the size of my jungle snake.

Aruka: I know. Anyways, After Queen Beryl came the Black Moon Clan. Led by Prince Demande/Diamond. Whichever rocks your boat. Then there was the bio-enginerring project that was being controlled by an Egyptian evil. Pharaoh 90 was her name. Hotaru was the victim. And even with Rini trying her best to keep Hotaru under control...It failed.

Caleb: Yeah. But hey, at least you discovered the powers to restore those who lose a heart crystal.

Aruka: Oh yeah...Forgot about that little ability. Anyways, after that, then the dead moon circus, and then Galaxia, what a case that bitch was, I could finally say that everything went back to normal.

Caleb: On her end of the stick. Meanwhile you had me trying to get captured for some Harem Prophecy. I didn't think that was a thing...Until that day. *Shudders*

Aruka: Faithful to your waifu aren't we?

Caleb: Always and forever. Besides, no one can make me feel the way I feel when I'm around you.

*Aruka kisses Caleb on the lips*: I couldn't agree more, my love. I couldn't agree more.

Caleb: Shall we turn off the lights?

*Aruka gives a devilish grin*: Oh yes. Please. Lets.

Caleb: Your wish is my command, my waifu goddess. Bye everyone! See you in a thousand years! *Turns off the lights*

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