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(Jessica's pov)

I took the last box upstairs to my room and placed it onto the bed looking at the writing on top of the brown box to see what it said.

"Books" I whispered with a small smile. I use to love reading and writing I still do but I'm always thinking so much that I forget the words and what is even going on in the book.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and turn to see my tired mum who looked like she was ready to sleep for days. I smiled at my mum I love her so much she's the best even after everything we went through we still have a strong bond.

My mother signs "gosh, I'm so tired I forgot how tiring it is to move I haven't moved country before but it's much more excusting then just moving neighbourhood" she giggle.

I couldn't help but laugh, her giggle just cheered me up so much. I look over at my black shiny piano and smile thinking how many times that piano helped me feel better.

I looked back at my mum who was looking at me with worry. She walked over and placed her hands on my shoulders and looked deeply into my dark brown eyes.

"Your bandages are also in that box with your books but I really hope you don't need them. Just try your best not to and remember I'm just down the hall if you ever need me I don't care what time it is I'm here for you my sweet child." My mum looked like she had tears in her eyes I hugged her close trying not to cry.

"Okay mum I'll try my best for you but I can't promise, you know I'm not the type to want to talk about my feelings but for you I'll try."

I squeezed my mum tightly before letting go she helped me put stuff away then she went and ordered some food I went to the on suite bathroom and looked in the big mirror that was above the two attached skins.

My long brown hair that reached to my hip was in a messy bun I had bags under my eyes I had full pink lips that looked dry from the lack of having a drink of water or a can of diet coke. I was wearing a pale blue tank top, my collarbone was sticking out in an unhealthy way because I was underweight. I had all different types of brown or black bracelets on both wrist that reached almost half up my arm from how many I was wearing.

I slowly looked away from the mirror not wanting to keep looking. I took off all my bracelets slowly seeing all the cuts, scratches and bruising that I caused onto myself, I almost cried looking at them and all the awful thoughts coming to mind but I quickly pushed them away.

An hour later I stepped out grabbing a soft white towel around me I walked back into my room and put on some deep purple panties on and bra then some grey shorts and a blue baggy top.

The rest of night I spent with my mum and step-dad before going bed and had another dark emotional night of crying and remembering all the awful things and taking it out on myself then cleaned up and went bed hoping for no nightmares knowing that tomorrow school starts.

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