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Listen to Medicine by Daughter to help you understand what Jessica is feeling in the begining of the chapter and I DON'T OWN ANYTHING OTHER THAN MY STORY.

Jessica's pov

His face showed no emotion he hid his feelings after a few minutes.

"Josh I'm fine" I signed. I don't need this right now.

"Your so selfish! Don't you think of others and how hurt they are by you doing this to yourself Jessica I knew it was bad but-"

I cut him off I was so mad. "NO you don'tknow anything you don't know how bad it is so don't try to understand or tell me you know how bad it is you have no idea about my past sure you knowbits but John isn't the only bad part. Trust me don't get involed in this..... so just don't I'm fine alone I can take care of myself!"

He just stood there looking kind of....sad really but then in the blink of an eye he was emotionless again and I knew excatly what I had to do to get him to stay away I don't want him to be hurt or get caught up in alll this so the one thing to do..... turn off my feelings and let him go for the better.

"Just leave go back to how you were before you met me. Take your friends with you. Me and my family will move away and get some help to ensure John never comes near us again and you can be whatever you wanted to be before you met me." I said it with no emotion in my voice or in my face, but thetruth was I was breaking inside and I realise I acting care for him. "If you all stay tonight all stay downstairs or sleep outside my room by the door if you really want but just leave me."

Josh just turned and left slamming the door behind him once I knew he was gone I locked the bathroom door and put my back against it and just slid down to the ground.

After awhile of just sitting there crying I walked over to the mirror and bent down to get my piils from under the sink then stood up. I stared at myself in the mirror my eyes were red and puffy plus just dead it looked like my eyes had no life in them they were just...brown. I looked down at the pills, I had three bottles one for depression, one to help put weight on and the last was to help me not to hear voices and see thing soo much..... yea I'm crazy it's best that Josh left whilst there's a littlepaart of me still not crazy yet. I looked back in the mirror, there's the problem one day these tablets won't be enough and the voices and things I see will come back stronger and worse and I'll believe their real and end up in a mental home..... hopless and alone.

I shake my head I put the ones fpr depression andweight gain back I never take them but I take two to  helprelax the voices and the thing I see calm down for awhile then I put the bottle back. I clean myself up and head downstairs to my mum to explain the situation that we're moving away.

"There you are Jess! I have great news since there is two spare guest rooms all the boys have agreed to move in I called all the parents and explained what's going on and they agreed as long as they can come visit their children and I said any time. So your going to go with Josh to help him pack since he only lives down the road. Isn't this great sweetie? Awwww you have some wonderful friends. Now the boys already knowthe rules no bringing any special girls into this house because I will NOT allow it you'll have to go their house for that boys." My mother says laughing and smiling at the boys then smiling wider at me.

"WHAT THEIR LIVING HERE WITH US?!?" I screamed in complete shock. I saw Josh behind my mother and walked over. "Did you have something to do with this??"

"Jess I did but it's for your own safety now come help me pack before my dad..... just come help"Josh said sounding bored and ready for bed and I certainly wasn't in the mood for fighting but it leaves me wondering.... what kind of parents let 4 teen boys move in? And what kind of parents just let them go? Whatworld am I living in? I'm sure I'm not crazy I think it's them! What the hell?!? I'm sure I'm dreaming this because I'm pretty sure real life doesn't work like this unless I'm on setfor some stupid boring moive if so I want out or a lot of money to carry this shit on!!

"Ugh fine come on I'll help you lets go" 

The boys went one way but me and Josh went the other way. We got to his house in 5 minutes. Josh unlocked the door and let me in. I heard banging upstairs and tensed and went back outside as bad memories flood my mind. No no I can't go back to that dark place right now. I blink away the tears and walk back inside and head upstairs to find Josh.

As I got up the last step I heard yelling down the hall so I ran and stood right outside the door.

"DAD STOP FUCKING DRINKING MUM IS GONE OK ACCEPT IT NOW GIVE ME THE BOTTLE!" Josh screamed to his father I guess and finally yanked the bottle out of his dad's hand and turn to leave and ran into me. "FOR FUCK SAKE JESSICA MOVE YOUR ALWAYS IN THE WAY JUST GET LOST GO HOME I'LL DO THIS MYSELF BITCH!!" Hes screamed in my face then pushed pass me and went to his room and slammed the door shut.

I turned to see his father sitting on his bed swaying. I grabbed his feet and took off his shoes and put him into his bed then put the cover over him then cleaned his room as tears went down my face. Once I was done I ran home and went straight to my bedroom and sat at my panio letting the tears fall wishing I never went to help Josh  because he's just so mean. How could he say all those mean things to me? His eyes looked so cold no longer warm or like the eyes I once saw. I shook my head and played/sang medicine which I loved playing when I'm down and feel like just leaving this mean cruel world. 

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