chapter twenty - christmas mornings & an abundance of presents

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Daisy had been sleeping in relatively late every day because of Winter Break.

She liked sleeping in late too. Her body felt well rested. She could be as lazy as she wanted to be, and she didn't have to worry about school whatsoever.

Daisy's body didn't feel well rested when Calypso was shaking her awake, and Daisy was annoyed.

"Stop it." Daisy groaned, shutting her eyes tighter. She wasn't sure what time it was, but she knew her body wasn't ready to wake up. She could use another few hours of sleeping.

"It's Christmas!" Calypso spoke excitedly, not letting up on aggressively shaking her sister. "And...and there are a bajillion presents in the living room! Santa bought us presents!"

Daisy had the feeling that it wasn't actually Santa Claus that had purchased those presents but rather Mark Sloan's credit card, and that made Daisy feel guilty.

Daisy sat up a little bit, her eyes still slightly shut as she tried to adjust to the light outside. "What? What time is it?"

Calypso only shrugged. "I...I don't know, but it doesn't matter! You have to get up!"

Daisy groaned, figuring it would be easier to oblige than to try to ignore an excited six-year-old on Christmas morning.

She stood up, letting an all but bouncing Calypso lead her out of her bedroom and down the halls.

Like Calypso had said, the living room was packed with Christmas presents, and it was unlike anything she had ever seen. There were all sorts of packages and wrapping paper and shiny bows.

This felt a whole lot like Christmas with the Johnsons, and Daisy wouldn't be surprised if Mark let loose the whole "you're going back into the system" speech.

The living room was far too elaborate for just a nice gesture. Daisy figured Mark had some bad news to deliver, just like the Johnsons had that Christmas morning years ago.

Except...Mark wasn't pregnant, was he?

Calypso wasted no time in immediately making her way over to the presents, sitting beside Callie. Callie looked equally as excited about all the presents as Calypso did.

Mark was sat on the couch with a cup of coffee looking happy too. He didn't bat an eye at all the packages that filled his living room.

The only person that seemed to mirror how Daisy was feeling was Arizona. The blonde didn't seem happy about being up so early, and she was making pancakes in the kitchen while being half-asleep.

"This is so cool!" Calypso was in wonder, looking over at her older sister. "Daisy! Come here!"

Daisy was overwhelmed by the amount of presents though, and she was overwhelmed at the thought of how much money had been spent. She felt...guilty.

She stood for a moment, trying to collect herself. She didn't make an attempt to move over to Calypso, something that made the younger girl frown. But Callie very quickly drew Calypso's attention away from Daisy.

"Ooh, that one." Callie pointed to a big red box with a shiny gold bow. "That one says Callie, that's mine."

"Caly with a y." Mark corrected, shaking his head. "That's not for you."

"Where are the 'Callie with an ie' presents?" Callie grumbled, standing up from her spot to sift through the gifts before turning to look back at Mark. "What did you get me?"

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