Chapter 1

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Author Note: I want to dedicate this story to pllspobypll she writes AMAZING stories, please go check them out. The reason I dedicated this story to her is because her name is also the first name of one of the main characters in this story, if you read this pllspobypll I used your name because I love it, it's nothing against you. Thank you to everybody who reads this story! 😄 Please leave reviews at the end of each chapter, it's greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask me anything. I will try to update as much as possible, but i have another story that im writing on Wattpad called Spoby, it's a PLL fanfic, if you want to check it, and aside from that, I'm very busy, so please be patient with me. (P.S. This is not a fan-fiction or a script, I write the point of views in just to help clarify)

Nicole's POV
"Vidya?" "Vidya?" "Where are you? It's Nicole," I shouted, roaming around Vidya's new apartment.
"Where could she be?" I asked myself.
"Vidya?" I tried a couple more times still roaming around her apartment.
"We are not 7, playing hide and seek isn't funny anymore," I shouted.
When I reached the bathroom, the door was closed. I tried opening it, but the door was locked from the inside so I couldn't get it.
"Maybe she's in the shower," I whispered to myself.
"Vidya," I stood there shouting while pounding on the bathroom door.
I started to panic because I couldn't get through the dang door, finally I gave up trying and pulled out my phone and dialed 911.
"911, what's your emergency?" The operator said.
"I'm at my best friends apartment and I can't find her and the bathroom door is not opening, it's locked from the inside and she's not answering when I call her name," I said out of breathe at the end.
"Ok, we are going to send an ambulance out right now, what's your location," the operator asked.
"1991 Maple Drive Apartment 5C," I responded.
"Ok, ma'am, try and stay calm, we will be there as soon as possible," she replied.
"Ok, thank you," I said before hanging up.
Next thing I knew, I heard sirens and heard the police bust down the door.
"Over ther," one of the officers said pointing to me.
"Ma'am, I'm afraid your gonna have to step away from the door so that we can busy it down and see if your friend is in there," the officer commanded.
"Ok," I said moving away from the bathroom door. At that moment, it was like everything seems to slow down. I heard "1...2...3..." Come from one of the officers as I heard the thud as they knocked down the wooden door with a long metal pole, I saw a few chips of wood fly my way as the door fell and the police officers brought their guns into position, ready to fire.
At first, I saw nothing there, until one of the police officers yelled,"The shower."
All the police officers moved towards the shower, guns still up, reading to fire, one dropped his gun and slowly used his right hand to open the glad shower door. As soon as the officer opened the door, tons of water, some stained red, came rushing out of the shower. The officers all looked astonished. Then, I saw her lifeless body laying on the bottom of the shower, it looked as if she was hitten on the top right of her forehead with a thick wooden stick. At that moment, I started to bawl my eyes out,"Why would this happen to her? She was funny, smart, very athletic, organized, and most of all, determined, she had her whole life planned out already," I thought as the cops went to go get a stretcher to put poor Vidya on. Then I thought," I wonder if she had a short and sweet passing or a long and dreadful passing, I hope she had a short and sweet one because she didn't deserve a long and dreadful one, let alone being murdered.

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