Chapter 2

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Nichole POV:
Two days later, I was sitting on Dylan Ander's living room couch, about to tell him about Vidya.
Dylan walked in the room and smiled when he saw me sitting there.
"Dylan, I have something to tell you, but I think it would be best if you cma and sat down," I said patting the open spot next to me on the couch.
"So what's up Nicole?" He asked questionally.
"Go on Nicole, tell him about Vidya," I thought.
"Well Dylan, there is no easy way how to tell you this, so I'll just let it out, Vidya, Vidya," I choked on tears. Dylan's smile faded and a worried expression crossed his face.
"V-Vidya was m-m-murdered t-two d-days ago," I managed to choke out.

Dylan's POV:
"Is this a joke?" I asked trying to take in what Nicole had just told me.
"N-No," she replied and immediately had an emotional breakdown. I pulled her into a tight embrace as she cried on my shoulder. I tried to stop myself from crying, but to no avail.
"A-A-And the w-wo-worst p-part of it i-is, is I-I was the o-one who f-found h-her," Nicole let out in between sobs.

Nicole's POV:
The next day, I was sitting at the kitchen island eating oatmeal for breakfast and watching the news.
"Three days ago, 17 year old Vidya Raycliff was found dead in the shower of her apartment. Homicide detectives have ruled Miss Raycliff's dead a murder. The saddest part about this story is that Vidya was found by her best friend since kindergarten. Her family wishes to keep Miss Raycliff's best friend and boyfriends names left out. There will be a funeral for Vidya Raycliff on March 25th, 2015. Vidya will be deeply missed. And back to you Drew. Tyler Review, Hollow Wood Local News," the reporter said.
"Hey honey, how are you feeling about all this?" My mom questioned as she walked up to me.
"Fine," I bluntly replied.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She questioned with that sweet voice of hers.
"No thank you," I replied as politely as I could muster.
"Ok, well if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here Nicole," she said.
It was only second hour and all I could think about was Vidya and her lifeless body laying at the bottom of her apartment shower after all the water poured out. After school I was going to help her parents move the remainder of her stuff that wasn't damaged by the water back into her old room, god, I really didn't want to go back into her old bedroom, but I felt really bad for her parents and offered to help.
"Nicole, Miss Haister," Mrs. Acker, my English teacher, said breaking me out of my thoughts and snapping me back into reality.
"I'm sorry, what was the question? I got lost in my own thoughts," I replied.
"Miss Haister, are you alright? You've been zoning out during class the past few days," Mrs. Acker said.
"I-I'm sorry," I said tears starting to stream down my face,"My best friend was murdered and I was the one who found her a couple days ago," I said now sobbing.
"Why don't you go down to the office and get some rest?" She replied, a sad look on her face.
"Ok," I said gathering all my binders. As I exited the room, I felt all eyes watching me. I walked down hallway and made a right turn into the girls bathroom. I turned on the sink so that the water would be really hot, I cupped my hands under he hot running water and slowly brought them to my face, massaging my face with the warm water, it felt so good, so relaxing. After massaging my face with the warm water a couple more times, I dried my face and hands off with paper towel and fixed my mascara and eyeliner to make it look like I hadn't just been crying. I grabbed my stuff and exited the bathroom.
When I go to the office, there was quite a line at the front desk, so I took a seat in one of the empty chairs.
"What can I do for you Miss Haister?" Mrs. Hiller asked me.
"I'm not feeling to good, could I go rest in the back?" I asked.
"Sure, anytime,"she replied. "Thank you," I replied walking towards the back room. I locked the door behind me and fell asleep on small cot laying against the back wall of the dark room.
"Vidya?" I questioned. The brunette in front of me turned around.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"Wow, you look completely different," I said.
"Is that a bad thing?" She responded sarcastically as always.
"No, not at all, if anything, you look more beautiful than before, plus you don't have that gash in your forehead," I studdered.
"Thanks, you look prettier too,"she replied.
"What happened to you?" I asked her.
"I can't tell you that," she said.
"Why? Can you at least tell me who did this to you?" I questioned.
"Sorry honey, it's not that easy, you have to figure it out yourself, I know you will," she said.
"How?" I asked as she started to disintegrate,"Wait, Vidya!"
"Bye Nicole, stay safe, and tell Dylan I miss him, I love him, and that I'm so sorry," Vidya replied. Suddenly I snapped up from the cot and turned on the light, but to my surprise, there was nothing there. In my dream, it felt like Vidya was right there next to me. I checked the clock to see that it was 12:30, 5 minutes before lunch started, I had to talk to Dylan.
I unlocked the door and went out into the main office, dang, I had slept for 3 hours.
"Hi honey, how was you nap?" Mrs. Hiller asked sweetly with a smile on her face. Why the heck was everybody calling me honey lately?
"Great, thank you so much, I really needed it!" I exclaimed heading for the door.
"Anytime honey," she replied as I walked out the door into the chaotic hallway. I ran to catch up to Dylan.
"Hey Dylan! Can I talk to you really quick?" I exclaims out of breathe.
"Yeah, sure, what do you want to talk about?" He asked.
"Well, earlier I left my second hour class to take a nap to get my mind off of
Vidya, but I had a dream, and she told me to tell you that she loved/loves and misses you and that's she's really sorry," I said. He started to break down into tears,"What happened between you two?" I asked.
"Can we talk about it somewhere else? My house after school?" He asked almost pleading.
"Sounds like a plan," I exclaimed.

Authors Note: Hey guys, how do you like this chapter? I already have more of the story written, but I won't publish the next chapter until I have at least 3 comments or reviews

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