chapter 15 : coffee table

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' oh hey there ! ' harry smiled at us like it was all okay . 'how much did you hear ? ' i asked calm ' dont be mad if be honest ' liam said . ' we're not .... c'mon tell us ' zayn said ' when zayn started to cry .... basically the whole thing .' louis confessed .

me and zayn had no type of fucking privicy at all. I stromed out and went straight to my room , not me and zayns room .... MY ROOM . Of cousre zayn trailed behind me like a lost child .

Zayn closed the door .... i started paceing back and forth and folded my arms .

' Mabey would should get are own place babe . ' Zayn look at my uneasy .

' Why ? so you can abuse me and no one will be there to help me ? no , no way . Of course not . ' i wasnt in the best mood possible . I lost my whole life if i was pregnet ..... just turned 21 not even experiancing life -__- ! it was all gone because zayn covinced me to have sex with out protection one time ! why did i listen to him . Zayn was insane and i was a dumb young reckless 21 year old .... i was un-decided ! i barely knew what i wanted out of life yet ... how could we possibly raise a child , we were both irresponsible , horny all the time , drinking young adults . For crist sakes me and zayn almost had sex in walmart .... we werent ready to be parents.

' SEE EVERYTIME !  i try to be nice to you and help cause i know your under pressure but you are so arrogant to fail to see im trying to better myself if we do have this fucking child ! you dumb bitch ! i cant fucking stand you god damn if it wasnt for what just happened , i wouldnt be with your retarted ass ! cause your such i fucking bitch ! ' he screamed at me . He picked up his jack daniels bottle and took a sip then a gulp and then finshed the bottle .

' YOU FUCKING DRUNK !  all you do is drink your promblems away like they will fade ! i fucking hate you so fucking much i dont even understand why i stay with you ? you nothing to me you bastard . ' i yelled back at him ... there it was again us argueing screaming in each other face . Then the chest pain he gave me because he got me so tense and mad .

' I DO BITCH !  you are my problem , i drink and drink , hopeing your dumb ass will ade away but NOPE i wake up every morning and your still here , i get so fucking tired of seeing you . why do you exist ? i dont even care about you . I dont even understand why i love you .i wouldnt give a fuck if you just died right here and now .' zayn was so harsh with his words , it crushed me .

My heart ? was shattered .

' you dont care if i die ? ' i was already dead on the inside . Zayn had made so cold and ammune to feeling love. Barely life was left was me and he just took it all from me .

' um im sorry , you deaf ? I - DO - NOT - CARE -ABOUT - YOU !' He said at the end of his sentence he paused for a long moment looking dead into my eyes right threw my soul . Zayn never actually watched me cry EVER . He always avoid looking at me , because he did want to feel bad .

Still standing there in silence as the tears streamed down , my face my trembleing , i wasnt making a sound . Just us standing there and zayn look right at me . I saw his eyes start to water up and he was trying to fight the tears ready to pour from his eyes , fianlly teard came down his face and he let out a cry .

' I hate when you do this .... why do you always do that ? ,.... Why do you always make me love you ? ' he cried out .

I felt horrible .

But no sympathy .

I turned away and started packing my clothes .

' what are you doing ? ' he started to walk towards me .

I didnt answer .

He grabbed my bag out of my hand , he threw it half way across the room .

He grabbed me so hard around my arm and screamed in my face ' WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING ? '

' RUNNING THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU ! ' i yelled back in his face .

' your not going any where ' he grabbed me by my throat and took me out on the balcony .

He leaned me over it still choking me ' if you ever try to leave me bitch , you'll die first ' he threated me .

I Manage to escape by biting his hand but in the process he grabbed me by the root of my hair ' ZAYN LET THE FUCK GO OF ME ...... HELP ME ! ' i yelled . ' you want someone to help you ? the doors locked you dumb bitch ! '

' LET GO !' I cried  ' you want me to let you go ? sure ' he flung me directly into the coffe table . It shatterd , i hit my head pretty hard.

all the glass was l over me cutting my skin deep and leaving marks and scars .

wait ..... this was just like before .... zayn promised he wouldnt ever hurt me again like that again.... and he did . ' LOOK WHAT YOU DID !' I was bleeding from each and every where .

' oh my god ' zayn was an emotional reck when he got drunk ' baby i am so sorry ..... i didnt mean to , oh my god ' he help me up and then it was dayshavoo , it was all happening again  .

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now