Chapter : underpressure

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I past out for a little because i was so tired. Then i heard a sudden boom and a slam . the boys where back and i heard more voices then usaul . Laughing girls and shit. I went to the stairs cause but not to far down so they couldnt see i was spying. I saw zayn had his hand around a girl , she wasnt ugly at all. he started to go towards the stairs case to come up stairs but he was solo . I jolt back o the room layed on the bed messed my hair up a bit to make it look like i was sleeping. He came in the room a shook me a little i turned over and streched as if i was sleeping 'megan i need the room' zayn said 'for what ?' i questioned 'i brought a girl back i mean i didnt just bring her back to sing to her .... get realistic' he shrugged his face 'oh right right right .... were single ...okay let me just get out of your way' i played it cool. i went to the bathroom in the hallway. I looked in the mirror , i was so sick of myself , i shouldve said something but i didnt , i didnt want to be me anymore i was so tired of all the shit that was happing to me for no apparent reason.  why did i ever do anything ! " FUCK!' i screamed , but no one would ever care about my pain . everyday i would put on a fake smile and wonder did any one just for a second think : 'she looks happy but is she really ?' ....... of course not . i was just a fucking dusmite floating around this house and no one really cared about me. 'your nothing to them megan.' i sat on the bathroom floor and leaned against the bathroom door . That was it i had to let go of all the pressure on me and just cry . i sat inside the tub and closed the currtents and turned off the lits and just cried for hours just letting out stress and hurt.

The door opened and someone flicked the lights on . I peeked threw the currtents and zayn was there but he had no clue i was he closed the bathroom door and locked it. He began to past back and forth ' i cant fucking do this to megan' he whimperd ' how can i hate her so much but love her.....i dont want to let her go ' he sat on the toilet and pey his hands over his eyes . he started to cry like i never saw him cry before 'i cant ,i just cant' zayn had actual never ever ever ever ever told me he loved me. He kept crying and whining 'i dont deserve her they were right......she needs better'. It kept hurting me that he felt this way about us , the realtionship we were in was so deep and complicated. 'i got to let her go' his voice broke even more and he BEGAN TO CRY EVEN MORE. ' NO  zayn dont say that' i blurted out . he moved the currtents . i sat on the end of the tub and just held him as me and him continued to cry . 'i couldnt do it...' zayn said 'do what ?' 'have sex with her .... i kept think about you i couldnt touch her the way me and you do '

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now