The power of jelousy

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Perrie only arrived an hour later with elenor

We all except for megan and bobby of course where in the living laughing having a good time .

Perrie looked stunning tonighht , i did miss her more then anything .

If i didnt make that stuiped mistake with megan that night , me and perrie couldve still been togather .

' Perrie you have no idea how bad i feel about breaking off our proposal ' i whisperd in her ear when the boys werent looking .

'Everyone makes mistakes , it just some time for you grow up and you did ' she smiled at me .

' if we were togather again i wouldnt break your heart ' i was totally lieing , i probley would , it was alonely a matter of time before me and megan got back togather , and i knew it . We both couldnt last very long without dating much longer . I just wanted to speed up the process because i already missed her so i thought why not use perrie as a weapon .

' I know you wouldnt darling ' she kissed me on the cheek , i grabbed her hands and locked fingers with her , it wasnt the same feeling i got when it was me and megan .

' do you still trust me ?' i asked her , i worked my charm by doing my puppy eyes .

' yes , i do , with all my heart .' she looked at me lost in my eyes .

' be my girlfriend .' i told her .

'YES !' she swung her arms around my neck hugging me swaying me back and forth .

Everyone turned around and looked at us

'WE ARE BACK TOGATHER ' perrie shouted , elenor popped out of her sea and started screaming .

It started getting late so perrie left i gave her and kiss and send her on her way .

I went up to my room strained and tired .

I got in my room and the lights were out i ploped on my bed

'AHH WHAT THE FUCK !' i felt somethiing in my bed with hair i jumped up and flicked on the light ... it was lonely megan , of course .

'why are you in here?' i asked relief that it wasnt a monster .

'  What do you mean ? this is OUR room ' she snapped at me crankey .

' well we cant sleep in the same bed , me and perrie are dating ' i said to her .

' You and perrie are what ?' she swung the blacket from over her body standing up .

' i told you i wasnt going to be single for long if perrie came over but you dont want to listen ' i teased her .

'i dont care , i dont even love you anymore anyways zayn . . im going to sleep with bobby' she put on her slippers . but i blocked her way from leaveing suddenly we were face to face , except megan was shorter so i had to kind of look down at her .

' You not sleeping with bobby , you can sleep at the bottom of the bed and you cant say you dont love me without a straight face .' i folded my arms , if i even gave megan the chance to be alone with bobby i already knew what was going to happen .


Why was zayn always like that i could sleep were ever the fuck i want since he wanted to all of a sudden date perrie .

' zayn i can sleeep with bobby if i wanted to now move' i stepped the other way but she just blocked my way i couldnt help but laugh because it was funny and annoying at the same damn time .

' zayn move' i pushed him but he didnt even shake . he pushed me back and i fell on the bed , I grabbed my pillow and hit him in the face with it and next thing we both knew we were having a pillow fight like back when we were 13 ....

' Okay you win ' zayn said , he gave up like a wimp . ' but your still not sleeping with bobby ' zayn was so afraid of letting me even chill with another boy .

i had to ask it ' do you love perrie more then me ?' i looked at the flor for a couple of seconds then glanced at him and started biting my nails , he didnt even respond .

' no ... never , she hasnt been threw enought with me like me and you .' He told me he grabbed my hand , tight .

Then there was that lightly bubbley feeling again , he made me feel so alive .

Then bobby walked in ..

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now