Weird guy

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It was about 7:30, my mom and the Humpty Dumpty dude were not in the house, I think they left or something

I got dressed and brushed my teeth, I started walking to school hoping to get there on time, I didn't get to eat, but I usually never eat in the morning especially since I was rushing because I had only about 10 minutes to get there

I was wearing brown baggy jeans and white crop top with a cardigan because it felt kind of cold today

By the time I arrived at school it was 7:45, walking in one of the hallways, there was a lot of people which was causing me to feel anxious

A lot of people had there gazes on me, probably because I was new but it was making me feel really uncomfortable

I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked through the hallway

I was looking for my locker and then suddenly I accidentally bumped into something, or someone, looking up I locked eyes with one of the most attractive men I've seen.

He has short dark brown hair hanging down his forehead and his eyes nearly hidden beneath thick lashes, he has a nose piercing and he is pretty tall, I'm about 5'5 and I'm guessing he's about 6'1

"Um I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" I quickly said

His gaze was trailed down my body and finally landed on my eyes but he didn't say anything

"Umm are you alright?"

He kept looking at me and suddenly turned around and walked away without saying anything

Um alright that was weird

I finally found my locker and put my bag in, I had one minute to get to class and I really didn't wanna walk in late, I have math first period and honestly I hate it, I think I'm just too dumb for it, I'm too dumb for anything to be honest

Walking into class everyone turned to look at me, I suddenly felt like I wanted to disappear, I hate when people look at me, it feels like everyone is judging me and it makes me feel really nervous

"Well look who finally decided to join us" I heard the teacher shout, she looked like she was about 40 years old and she was looking at me with a disgusted look that made me feel uneasy

"I'm sorry it's my first day here and I had trouble finding the class"

"Whatever, you can sit in the back next to Aaron" she quickly stated

Moving to the back off the class I quickly took a seat, I turned to look to my left and I locked eyes with the person next to my desk

He was that one weird guy I accidentally bumped into this morning

He quickly looked away and went back to staring at his desk

"Aaron you need to be doing something you can't sit and stare at your desk all day!" I heard the teacher speak from the front of the class

"Aaron I'm speaking to you!"


I turned to look at him and he quickly stood up grabbing his backpack and walking out the class slamming the door shut, I looked around the class but no one was paying attention or even noticed him leaving

Is he usually that weird?

HEY GUYSSS I'm not sure if this chapter was that good but trust me the story does get more interesting later onnn


I'm hungry

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