Where is she?

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𝑨𝒅𝒂𝒎 𝑷𝒐𝒗:

I have not seen Aaron or Jennie at school for the past 3 days

Of course I was starting to get worried because Aaron and Jennie are the only friends I've ever had

I never had anyone to talk to until them, I felt like everyone hated me and got annoyed by me

But honestly I don't give a fuck if people hated me they can suck my dick

Right now I was driving towards Aarons house, hopefully he's not dead or something

He acts like he hates me but I know that the motherfucker secretly loves me

I mean who wouldn't love me, I'm amazing

I parked my car in front of his house and stepped out heading towards the door

"Aaron you in there!" I yelled, there wasn't a doorbell so I had to knock on the door

What kinda door doesn't have a doorbell the fuck

He didn't answer

"Aaron!" I yelled again knocking on his door

Suddenly the door opened and I met gazes with Aaron

Damn he looks like shit

His eyes are red and swollen, I can tell he's been crying, and his eye bags are terrible

He was wearing gray sweatpants but he didn't have a shirt on

Damn I need ask him for his workout routine later

"What are you doing here" he muttered

"Where have you been the past 3 days, did you and Jennie get into a fight or something?" I said pushing past him into his house

"I didn't tell say you can come in" he said as I walked towards the couch in the living room

"Look man you can talk to me alright" I said as he sat on the seat across from me

I can tell something was upsetting him

"she told me she doesn't love me" he sighed looking away from me

There's no fucking way Jennie said that

"I don't know what to do, she made it clear she doesn't wanna fucking see me and I can't stop fucking thinking about her, I told her I loved her man, fuck" he muttered as his eyes started watering

Ive never seen Aaron look this miserable

"Look Aaron, I'm going to be completely honest, what you should be doing right now is trying to get your girl back, not fucking sitting here and crying"

"She told me she doesn't love me Adam!" he yelled

"I've seen the way she looks at you, I don't care what she told you, but there's no way she doesn't love you, now get you're shit together and let's go get Jennie!" I yelled standing up

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