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Jennie has been ignoring me in school all day

I had tried asking her friend Juliette why she's mad at me but she wouldn't talk to me either

Did I do something wrong?

Let me be completely honest, I fucking like Jennie

But I don't know how to tell her that, I'm new to all this feelings shit

I absolutely hate everyone, but Jennie

I like seeing her smile, I like how she makes me feel, and honestly I don't think there's anything I dislike about her

Ive never felt this way about anyone

The bell rang and I spotted Jennie walking out the building

"Jennie!" I yelled walking towards her

She started walking faster but I gripped her wrist turning her around

"What do you want Aaron" she said avoiding my gaze

"Why are you mad at me, did I do something wrong, if I did please tell me, Jennie I'm sorry alright just please don't ignore me"

Damn I'm really fucking whipped

"Are you fucking serious Aaron"


"Do you like Martha?" She suddenly asks looking up at me

"The fuck, why would I like her?"

"Cause you seemed to like her when she had her tongue shoved down your throat"

"You saw that? Look Jennie I would never fucking kiss her, you saw it wron-"

"I know what I saw Aaron, I can't be around you if you like someone else, because my stupid dumbass likes your dumbass, I can't let myself get attached anymore if you're not gonna like me back!" she yells as I stand there frozen

She likes me

Jennie fucking likes me

"Omg are you fucking blushing" she says snapping me out of my thoughts

"No I don't fucking blush" I immediately said covering my face with my hands

"Jennie, I never would kiss anyone other than you, believe it or not your the only fucking person I want to be around, Martha the dumb bitch kissed me and I immediately shoved her off" I said again as she looked up at me

"I like yo-"

"He's fucking lying" A voice came from beside me cutting me off

Looking to my right I noticed Martha was standing there with a smirk

Oh my god not this bitch again

"He begged me to kiss him Jennie, he's lying to you" she said again

"Can you stop fucking lying and leave" I replied looking towards her

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