Chapter 21

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-Corruptverse OuterTale #0-

Static stared at the stars holding three of the soul containers close while Bane set up an item box with a letter to his brother.  Mostly they were waiting for someone to notice they were here.  "wHy arE wE wAitInG BAnE?"

"So they know we are gone and Stain can't blame us.  It was the best way I could find to fuck him over after we are gone."  Bane moves up behind Static holding the last two soul containers.  "Are you ready for this?"

Static looked back at Bane and gave a sad little smile.  "i WouLd haVE BeEn heRe a LoNG tImE aGO WiTHoUt yOU.  iT feElS rIGht tHAt wE Go toGEtheR."

Much to Bane's annoyance a portal opened before his best friend and crush could say anything more.

"STATIC I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DESTROY THIS AU." Stain struck a heroic pose impressing no one.

Carrot glared as soon as he saw the soul containers.  "Give Sans back immediately you worthless glitch!"

Comet just took in the sean, Bane and Static close to the edge holding those containers tight.  Bane's arms around Static, frankly without the soul containers it would look romantic.

Solar ignored Stain's frankly stupid pose he knew his brother had been talking to one of the greater powers and now here he was with five souls six if you counted the glitch.  So what was he after and could Solar use it to get his magic back.

Static turned and smiled at them while shuffling closer to the edge.  Bane moved with him, wrapping a tentacle around his waist and giving Solar a tired smile.  When they spoke it was together.  "KaRMa,  Feelings,  vOId!"   Together they jumped Bane wrapping all of his tentacles around Static to hold him close.

Carrot cursed and rushed to the edge almost falling in his attempt to snatch at the soul containers.

Comet frowned, you learned things living at the edge of the void.  One of those things was that you didn't call on deities or the void without being damn sure where you stood with them.  So why would the destroyer of worlds and the king of nightmares call first on Karma the most unforgiving of judges.

Solar's sockets went wide when Bane called on Feelings neither of them had reached out to their creator since the apple disaster.

Stain frowned seeing his favorite plaything jump he would have to replace him... maybe with Solar? He always was more independent than Stain liked but it would be hard to turn others against him... Carrot maybe everyone already knew he was crazy for thinking he could get his Sans back especially after killing him in that last battle.

The void shockingly responded to their call surging up to meet them with a hissing roar of static pulling them deep instantly before dissolution could even begin.

Karma examined their prizes frowning over the heavy damage to both of them.   "We will have to do some repairs before either can carry."

"Even then neither of them could carry all of them."  Feelings held their child and his friend close.

"The apple twins are based on the Swap Sans pattern he can best carry the swap and X-tale Sans.  Static's base codes come from a classic timeline.  He is also stronger let him carry the other three."  Karma and Feelings nod agreeing with Void's idea.

Feelings repairs Bane's codes so that he can use both his passive and aggressive forms before implanting the souls of his fallen friends.  While Karma took care of repairing Static as much as possible in the limited time they had, they had easily implanted the souls of his fallen family as well.

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