Chapter Two: Storytime and Partners

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Last time on Digimon Guardians, young sixteen year old Teri ran away from her home after her mother accepted Edward's engagement. June went after her to take her back home until a portal dragged June in. Teri, her friends, and Victoria went into the Digital World where they met a Digimon named Renamon. She took them to a village and they found June! And then, Jijimon and Babamon are going to tell the children why they are in the Digital World for a reason? Let's find out now!

They all sat down on the ground, getting ready to hear Jijimon and Babamon to explain the reason why they're here in the first place and the history of the Digital World.

Jijimon begins the story. "Long ago, the Digital World was a peaceful place where every Digimon lived in harmony; there are good and bad Digimon out there. We protect ourselves from any kind of danger, but there were times that we couldn't. Everything evolved into chaos and despair. Powerful Digimon destroyed our homes and many of our loved ones. It was like war to us, we almost lost hope.

But then, a group of young humans, such as yourselves, came here in the Digital World. They were known as the DigiDestined." This brought up everyone's attention.

"Hold on, there were others like us?!" Hansuke exclaims. Jijimon bops Hansuke on his head with a staff. Hansuke yelps in pain and rubs his head. "Don't interrupt an old man while telling his story!"

"Sorry, carry on." Hansuke lets Jijimon continue his story.

"Ahem, as I was saying, they saved the rest of us and our world. Winning every battle they faced and suffered many devastating losses. But they continued on their journey to stop the remaining evil Digimon. After their final battle with Apocalymon, we were finally at peace and the humans had to go back to their world.

Later on, new humans arrive once again for a purpose. Each child is selected to be a DigiDestined by the Sovereign; only they can choose who is worthy to be one. And that is the Prophecy."

"What's a DigiDestined?" Percy pops the question in.

"A DigiDestined is a defender who protects the Digital World." Babamon answered his question.

"The DigiDestined come here to battle the great evil that the others couldn't." Jijimon and Babamon lower their heads.

Teri holds up her hand. "Wait, what do you mean that the others couldn't?"

"What I mean is that..." He looks at her concerned face as he drifts off at a memory where a boy at her age said the same thing to him.

"Jijimon? Are you still there?"

Jijimon nods to Babamon as she hums in agreement. "Young child, what he meant was that years later, the DigiDestined came back to fight once again, but alas, one of them didn't make it alive."

The room was in silence about the loss of the child. No one could say anything about this. Are they really sure that they want to do this? Even if it means to risk their lives?

"What was the kid's name?" Kenji wanted to know who was the one that risked their life for the Digimon.

Babamon grips her broom, tightly. "It would be best for all of you shouldn't hear this yet. We will explain it in the future."

Kenji and everyone else doesn't understand her reason why they shouldn't know about this, but they had to accept her decision. "We understand, Babamon."

Meanwhile, Teri drifts back to one of her memories when she was a little kid...


A young girl laughs while playing on the swings as her parents watch her. "Daddy! Come over here!"

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