chapter 11 the fight .

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The rehearsal for the event started and Siddharth got busy with daily shooting and then editing it. For lunch, they used to visit a garden restaurant near the music school, as the cottage was far from the music school. They don't want to waste more time travelling. The company had arranged a swift car and a motorcycle for them in Nainital ., for their convenience.

On the other hand, after Anand's forgiveness, aarohi wanted to please her mother too, who had stopped talking to her. So she chose a clever way, it was Poornima vrat( full moon day ) and all her family ladies were going to visit the Naina Devi temple except Varsha as she was pregnant and they doesn't want to take her in a crowded place. Aarohi also accompanied them wearing a Kurti and jeans as her mother love Indian wear.

When she was driving them to the temple. Veena started teasing her. "Which day it is vaidehi ". Vaidehi knows very well that Veena is mocking aarohi so she doesn't answer.

"See who has honoured us with her presence aarohi vashisht, that too in full clothes " veena remarked.

" Mom please "asawari pleaded.

"Let it be di I am habitual of listening" aarohi replied in a cold tone

The rest of the ride went in silence,.when they reached the temple everybody took their puja thali and started walking towards the temple. It was morning time and as it is Poornima the temple was crowded as they expected. Anyhow they did their puja and went back to their car.

Suddenly veena remembered that they forget to donate the money to the beggars, so she send Asawari to do this .everyone else got seated in the SUV.

Asawari went near the stairs and started giving the money to the beggars who were sitting in a line on the ground. While doing this she stole slipped from her shoulder as she was wearing a low cut Kurti so her cleavage was visible. Some three tourist boys who are looking like spoiled brats were sitting in front of the boundary wall, they saw her state and started giving cheap comments to him.

' woo! What boobs, she has yaa, I want to suck them hard"

Mann if I can fuck her then it will take me at least two days to fully taste her "

"Oyee! tell me where will you will meet u,haa dont worry about money. We can give you as much as you want.
Trust me you will also enjoy baby "

Asawari was a simple naive girl hearing such disgusting words, tears pooled in her eyes and she got scared .she cover herself with a stole and turned to leave when she found aarohi was coming her way she doesn't want the boys to molest aarohi all. So she rushed towards her to take her from there.

"Di how much time, what happened? why are you sweating ?.ha! "

Let's leave from here" Asawari grabbed her hand and started dragging aarohi from there ., a boy shouted from behind.

" Tell me your rate before going baby "
and they started whistling loud

Aarohi heard that and turned back to look at the boy, she looked carefully at the boys' faces. Asawari pleaded with her eyes. So she went back to her SUV and started driving home.

After reaching home she dragged asawari to her room and asked in a strict tone.

" Swear on me and tell me what the boys were saying, di I want every word "

Asawari told her everything and started crying.

Aarohi's anger crossed all limits, her body was shaking in anger she clenched her fists .she Called Rachna and told her everything.

She changed into a jean and a hoodie and made a messy bun of her hair.

She pick Rachna from her place, who kept a big bag in the back seat. The first went back to the temple. , the boys were not there so they started roaming the city to find the boys. Aarohi was sure that they are some tourist as local people knows the power and respect the vashisth family has, the boys dont know whom they are messing with.

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