chapter 78 .not so pleasent surprise

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The treatment of arohi got started, and so was her miseries .as doctors acquainted earlier arohi started experiencing many discomforts. she was restless sometimes, and nausea and dizziness were the common side effects of the treatment that she was undergoing.

As promised ronn was taking care of her comfort but sometimes contemplating her going through so much trouble made ronn furious, he use to curse dan in his mind for giving this idea to arohi.

   One month later arohi got a call from over-excited Aditya, varsha gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Aditya sends the pics of the baby to arohi. Looking at the pics arohi couldn't resist her desire to visit the nainital. Ronn didn't protest this time as he wanted a change of atmosphere for arohi and he was well aware that there is no better place than Nainital to cheer her  up. At least she could forget about her miseries for some time.

        Dan and zaid also accompanied them as Dan was very worried about arohi's health.  From the day the treatment of arohi got started, Dan made a habit to stay at ronn's place in the daytime which was also helpful for ronn as he used to complete his office work, while dan was staying near arohi.

    When they reached the hospital, anand passed the newborn baby to arohi.
Arohi held him with shivering hands tears blurred her vision while looking at the little bundle of joy. Ronn's eyes got moist while looking at his wife her expressions were confiding him how much she is yearning for a baby. Aditya observes the dull face of arohi and ronn 's reaction too. He decided to inquire arohi about this.

    Dan also held the baby in his arms and started cooing to him, the vashisth family smiled at the excitement of the old man, and zaid passed a heavy gold chain to dan which dan gifted to the baby.  Anand and Aditya tried to stop him but he didn't budge so they had to accept it.

     When Aditya asked arohi about her health as she was looking pale, she didn't hide about her treatment Aditya was on cloud none listening to her at least her sister got some ray of hope. He sternly told arohi to take rest and proper care and also call them whenever she needed them.

      Arohi smiled in tears gaping at the excitement in her brother's voice she requested him to hide this matter from others especially triloknath as she was scared of the negative result., arohi didn't want her dad to be upset.

      Aditya agreed with her, they were busy in their talks when Sahiba enters the VIP room, a wide smile spread on ronn's face looking at her angel noorie, ronn wanted to walk to them but Sahiba signalled him to stop at his place only and leave noorie down on the floor.

    Norrie started crawling towards ronn who was now calling her name to arohi 's surprise noorie recognise ronn. Crawling by her knees noorie reaches for ronn, he picked her up in his arms and kissed her chubby cheeks then cleaned her hands using sanitiser. And scolded Sahiba to leave noorie on the hospital floor and check her soft knees to assure she was safe

     Dan who was observing all this with interest gave a glance at zaid who was busy adoring Sahiba. Dan raised an eyebrow at him and then he asked anand who was sitting beside him.

"Who is this girl? some relative?"

"No uncle she is Sahiba arohi 's best friend."

Dan gave a nod of understanding., then recalled that name as zaid has talked about his love interest once
Dan was noticing Sahiba and found her to be a polite girl.

     Dan signalled zaid t come near him " I like your choice ' he whispered this in his ear and patted his back.

    Zaid blushed at his comment.

    The same evening they  returned to Mumbai as arohi  cannot miss her appointment with the doctors.

       Six months passed like this but arohi was not able to conceive and she was stressed about this. Ronn tried hard to pacify  her  but she was upset as after following all the restrictions, putting up with all medicines regularly there was no positive result.

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